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Everything posted by TRMN8TR

  1. thanks for the offer marty but if craig is going to be in the pits near me I'll just share his.
  2. Whichever tires I run I plan to buy trackside. For someone like me a slightly better tire isn't going to make me any faster. The only thing that will is more seat time and I'd rather spend the money on an extra race. I'm currently running power pures, so any race tire is going to be a big step up for me.
  3. Agreed. They were probably to busy looking at porn and got the stats wrong.
  4. is porn. http://www.extremetech.com/computing/123929-just-how-big-are-porn-sites I personally find that estimate to be a little low.
  5. Cool, I want details/pics of the Triumph in the back though...
  6. Who is this Brandon guy you speak of and what are his prices? As far as I know I don't have any good deals on tires, lol.
  7. Straight from a bstone vendor...don't bother with R10's until you're a second or 2 off the guys winning the races. Until then the 003's will be good enough.
  8. I'm not sure but I don't think just any vendor can get the race tires. (for any brand) usually only the track side guys carry them. Another benefit is most of the track side guys I've talked to offer free mounting if you buy the tires from them.
  9. You can only buy the race or "pro" tires from a track side vendor.
  10. ^ this. BT003 pro's is what I would be running . They're a race tire. BT003 rs are the "racing street" tires which are just another tire like the pures I already have.
  11. I've been playing around with some stocks this year and so far it has paid off well. It goes like this... Invest in company stock. (It has done really well, even through the recession.) When the CEO sells, I sell. So far every time he sells, stock prices fall drastically. When the CEO buys, I buy. So far every time he buys the prices go up. This is all public info, so no worries for me of "insider trading" or what not. YTD this strategy has earned me almost 37% interest. If only I had more to invest I'd be retired by the end of the year, lol.
  12. The cheap ones, lol. I dunno yet. Maybe the bt003 stones.
  13. I'm not sure if I'm more shocked that she drank that much gas and lived, or that a whole half hour show without the commercials is condensed into 12 minutes.
  14. Rocky River? I dunno, I'm an east sider. What's that gotta do with making it to the track the 28-29?
  15. Probably. I know my slow ass doesn't need them but I wanna try them. I think it'll be a confidence booster more than anything. I was spinning/sliding those Pures last year at beaver in turn 5 more than I was comfortable with.
  16. What is this IF you are there stuff? Just go you vagina. Also, its sorta scary how much you miss me. I'm beginning to think you have a real life crush on me. I told you last summer was just a fling.
  17. So my tire warmers arrived yesterday, can I get dibs on a spot on someone's generator for Sunday? (I'm being optimistic and assuming it'll be dry enough to need them.) I can offer gasses and free rides. On the scooter.
  18. I don't know what this spoon thing is you guys keep talking about. I only play fork.
  19. Nothing yet, its not set in stone. But I'm working a deal. Another British bike, but this ones old and leaks more oil.
  20. I'm in for sure sat, mini 20 on Sun, and depending on weather maybe a 600 superbike sprint. Or maybe a vintage gt race if I get my new toy in time.
  21. Basically, I won't be early then. I was planning to pick my g/f up but she sounds like she might not want to go. If thats the case I might just stop on my way from work rather than go home, get scooter, back-track 10 minutes.
  22. I'm down for some wingies, kinda hungry. I won't get there till 5:45 ish though.
  23. I gotta stop by my house first, I'm on the triumph and gonna grab the scooter. I don't get off till 5 though.
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