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Everything posted by KTMRIDER
I am having Kory get me more info. I will update it soon.
Posting for a friend..... Ok guys, here is one that you can bring your non-dirt riding buddies out to. This will be mostly gravel and scenic back roads. NO OFF ROAD on this ride. NO AMA needed. ANY STREET LEGAL BIKE IS WELCOME! This is a FUN RUN. We'll be riding 130 miles. We'll stop for gas at a gas station at around 60 miles. There will be checkpoints (like a real Enduro or Rally). The object of the game is to be at the checkpoints at a certain time. (we'll explain it beforehand) The top ten scores will get prizes. (there may be some other prizes as well!) The first 30 sign-ups will get FREE event T-shirts. ( we'll have shirts for sale as well) AND, when it's is all done, we'll all eat a nice lunch. (courtesy of Zanesville Trail Riders) We'll give you a route chart, and a scorecard. Bring your digital wristwatch. For info.... http://www.ztr.cc/
Posting for a friend..... Ok guys, here is one that you can bring your non-dirt riding buddies out to. This will be mostly gravel and scenic back roads. NO OFF ROAD on this ride. NO AMA needed. ANY STREET LEGAL BIKE IS WELCOME! This is a FUN RUN. We'll be riding 130 miles. We'll stop for gas at a gas station at around 60 miles. There will be checkpoints (like a real Enduro or Rally). The object of the game is to be at the checkpoints at a certain time. (we'll explain it beforehand) The top ten scores will get prizes. (there may be some other prizes as well!) The first 30 sign-ups will get FREE event T-shirts. ( we'll have shirts for sale as well) AND, when it's is all done, we'll all eat a nice lunch. (courtesy of Zanesville Trail Riders) We'll give you a route chart, and a scorecard. Bring your digital wristwatch. For info.... http://www.ztr.cc/
So apparently 3 wheeled behavior is basically the same as 4 wheeled behavior? I'll stick to 2 wheels:wtf:
We would like to ride with you again this year. If you do a big bike ride we're down with that. Me and CJ both have 950 Adventures and our other buddy Ron just got a KLR650. We have never done any off roading with the Goldwings yet.... And mine is a perty black one so I don't want to scratch it up:D
I enjoy shooting my .22lr as much as any of my guns, But I don't think it is that deadly of a round(No I'm not willing to take one for the team). Years ago I worked on a farm in Indiana. We were slaughering a cow and the guy I worked for used a .22 rifle held to the forehead of the cow. Well 5 shots later and the poor cow was still standing bleeding from the nose moo-ing and in obvious distress. It was gut wrenching to watch. A friend of the family was there to help and we were all feeling really bad. He went to his truck and grabbed his .38 revolver and dropped the cow instantly. FYI... I have no intrest in being shot by any gun, But given a choice of a .22lr or a .45.... Choice is pretty clear to me.
So are you saying you won't let me, my brother Darnell , spot our guide dog and our step stools on your property? Yo man d'ats some cruel shit:cool:
You'll shoot your eye out kid..... http://video.google.com/videosearch?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4GPEA_enUS287US287&q=you'll%20shoot%20your%20eye%20out%20kid&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wv#
If it's some sort of collectable box(ammo, records, whatever).... stripping the original finish, even if rough will destroy it's value. Find out what it is for sure before you strip it. Blits works good... I just used it to strip my front porch rails, sand blasting can damage sheetmetal if not done properly
The Europeans are into some insane shit when it comes to offroad. Great vids.... Too bad they had to have that "music":puke: in the Erzberg video.
I thought Pa honored our Ohio permit? I have been carrying when I visited Pa! Guess it's a good thing I didn't get stopped:eek:
Sounds like a good time.... And the BBQ would normally be enough to seal the deal for me...., But this weekend is no good for me:mad:
Sunday... Hope to pickup a 500 round box of 5.56 ammo
It's kinda funny that I am a bit nervous(just a little) carrying my PT92 with one chambered(hammer down) and a pretty hard DA pull. I rarely carry my large frame 9mm, But don't think twice about carrying my S&W .38 concealed hammer)in my pocket or IWB all day everyday while working construction and climbing around. Strange I feel safer carrying a gun without a safety(other than my finger). FYI I use a Bianchi Proffesional IWB holster at 4:00 when wearing jeans and in my front pocket of my looser fitting Cintas work pants.
So Buildit.... You gotz a Nine-Fiddy SE, I gotz me a 950 ADV and so does my brother CJ....... When we gonna do an adventure bike ride? I do have to warn ya.... My 950 is black and pretty and I don't want to scratch it;)
UP was wearing some ghey sandals when he was at my house yesterday picking up his plate for his Kawi600.... He said he had been riding his GF's Ninja 250...... Oh the pieces of the puzzle are coming together CSI Elyria;)
Oh ya?... I was actually getting ready to mention going to Perry instead of Wayne because it's a bit closer for me and I won't have to buy a trail pass. What time are you guys meeting at Perry? Do you guys ride bikes or quads?
Ted may have said it in conversation.... < But Sammy Hagar wrote and sung the song about it
Which system are you riding? Man I hate it that all the trails are so far away for me in the Northern part of the state. I gave up a street ride today to get all my chores done around the house and I am jonesin' to ride.
I don't know what I am doing.... If I am at the meeting place on time.... SO be it. Don't wait on me. I am gonna try to find a place to ride offroad tomarrow.
Can I put in my order for a second female rider.... Or perhanps even a female passenger;) My Nine-Fiddy has a real comfy rear seat:D
I may be up for a ride with you guys. I was thinking about riding over to the Allegheny National Forest for the afternoon, But not sure I want to spend 10 hours in the saddle. INYA and other Lorain county guys.... Are you meeting up somewhere around here to group ride down together?
+1... Plus the price is right!
GREAT RIDE! buildit was a gracious host and puts together a well run ride and he hustles that KLR like a pro! Organized and on time. Lots of good guys(and a gal) to ride with. Trails were a nice mixture of road vs. trail. Weather cooperated nicely except for it might have been a bit hot for some. Trail conditions were near perfect, Minimal mud and dust wasn't too much of an issue either. I will have to admit that when we knew there was going to be alot of KLR 650's we kinda figured it was gonna be mainly gravel roads, But we were happy to see alot of trail, creek beds and woods riding. And to you guys riding the behemouth KLR's with darn near street tires..... You guys got GUTS! Good job. Also the guys on 250's with street-ish tires... Good job also. I won't go into the woods with anything less than fresh knobbies:D Tom on his bike with the bald tires is one hell of a rider. Real fast and he throws that 650 around like it was a 200cc bike:wtf: And on the the person who impressed me the most. The young lady riding the KLR650.... Road 100 miles to get to the trail to ride another 100 miles offroad and then finish it off with a 100 mile trip home:eek: It was alot of fun watching you ride some difficult terrain on a bike that shouldn't be doing that type of riding. I only wish my wife could/would ride like you. Thanks again!
Ahhh... Young Grasshopper... When you can snatch the pebble from my hand you can talk smack.... Not one minute sooner:p