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About socaln8tv

  • Birthday 09/15/1971

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    2004 Honda 599

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  1. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  2. welcome from marysville
  3. everytime someone of notoriety comes town the entourage ends up hiding behind the tall hilton in polaris... they shut down lyra drive and all adjacet parking lots to let bidens crew in couple a weeks ago. it seems to be a holding place of some kind
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^ what you said. cubed.
  5. what did ron white say? you can't fix stupid? the mph chick probably thinks they speak mexican in mexico. and american in america. right? i found both teams guilty of that
  6. just the words "woo woo" in the thread title made it for me before i even opened this up to read on....
  7. have you been out off the 245 past the Piatt Castles?
  8. then its a good chance we passed on the road today... i was riding in the afternoon/evening today. where'd you go today ?
  9. daughter rode with us today and she loves it!! but unfortunately we have three kids -- too young to stay alone. great idea though. that would really be idea
  10. i wish we had familly here to do that. all of my family is in southern ca. the only thing we could do is fly my mom our here and try to keep her at home alone with the kids for 3 days in a place she is not familiar with. if you knew my mom, that would be a tough sell. she wants to go with us. to me, if i could leave kids at home with some one, i totally would.. thinking about it still !!!
  11. we will be calling for sure.. i will post if they do or dont
  12. loved watching this. paying it forward in some way. good for him
  13. hello from Marysvillle! I think cruisers are beautiful. we dont bite welcome!
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