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Status Updates posted by socaln8tv

  1. hey moose, how much was raised for Brian?

  2. i was about to blame my kids there for a while!! thanks for giving me the fyi. imagine the look on my face coming out of the library and finding a harley sticker on my truck! ....one that i didnt put there! i once had my vehicle serviced at a dealer and when i picked it up, they helped themselves to putting one their chrome insignias on my vehicle without even asking! anyways, have a good one and btw, did we get introduced? i had a few glasses of merlot, but i was making an effort to meet everyone. -kimberly

  3. caspar, i uploaded a pic of me and its showing up in my profile, but not in the forums avatar. i can t figure it out. when i try to save it says the upload failed. i even logged in and then out. i belong to other sites run by this type forum layout (arent they all..) and same thing is happening, even when my pic is within size limits.

  4. hey mama! our bikes are in storage for the winter and my truck finally gets the garage back -- its life changing when you can park your onw vehicle in the garage again, esp when its effing freezing out. didnt really get to spend time with you @ bennys when wnci was ther but it was sure great to see your face!! xxoo

  5. hey how long is that drive from cbus anyway? i was thinking a stop in hersey as well just to mix it up. the one place i want to go is the flight 93 landmark but i dont think its monumented for the public yet. that will likely have to wait

  6. you just answered my question... and i had an "ah ha" moment! thank you thank you

  7. just for you... i'll call her later tonite and let her know she is YOTA approved... but it'll be a while since she lives in PST. you boys are crazy but i truly appreciate the sprited effort!! lol

  8. oh ok. i remember you both! we did not have a formal invite, but trust me i kept trying to figure out which movie your costume was based on!! how funny - you answered for me.

  9. i might just do that come next spring. thanks for the contact and we'll look forward to it.

  10. your profile quote above is hillarious!! just popping in to see if you had any pics/albums. havent been on the site in a month so im playing catch up

  11. i sat on the sv @ the dealer and we had a long conversation. he just affirmed my thoughts on lowering and its effect on handling. Im rather in a quandary. the 250ninja? what was i thinking. i was on crack for about 2 weeks i suppose. that being said, i may not get my sportsbike... at the end of the day, i need a bike that i can touch ground with. when i ride the superhawk, its so heavy, it leaves my calves burning when I try to support it at long lights on one leg leaning. one day last year after a good deal of cornering practice, i dropped it after i stopped. i rode too long and when i got off i was just too tired to support. im not unfit either. so we are shopping around and doing research right now. maybe a ninja 500 will satisfy. we'll see.

  12. thanks for the friend add!

  13. just wanted to say hello from marysville as well. my class is august 21st, but ive been riding on a permit since mothers day. new to street, riding off road most my life.. totally dif. ballgame! well just wanted to touch base and say hope to ride with you ladies after i get my endorsement

  14. Not yet! Been to busy at work and will be traveling quite a bit this month so it'd totally on the burner... :(

  15. i think our ride was more around tar hollow area. it was actually a novice ride from a group called http://www.ohio4x4.com/. this was after the ride and we were doing some after hours jaunt to a place called ....... "butt pucker."

  16. ur avatar is hilarious!

  17. bennys has had some fantastic live bands this season. ive been there on two evening occasions, both alot of fun. unfortunately, i like my lemon drops so i definetly don't ride my bike over!!!....that and i don't want helmet head of course... LOL.

  18. hey sara, enjoying your bike this weekend. my husband and i swung over to the dealer yesterday around 330pm and didnt see a tent.

  19. hi there! cute screename and of course i have to comment on your avatar pic -- that is funny! love meeting people in marysville and surrounding areas. just learning to ride on the road and get sorted with the differences bt motox and streetbike riding! anyways, I'm kimberly

  20. hey mandie, this is my third attempt at the same message.. i keep getting booted. oh well. here goes. i wanted to get back to you on the party. i would really like to go but will have to play it by ear bc i have to work till 9pm in easton this saturday night. additionally i have to be at work by 9am sunday morning. that kind of blows if you want to have a few drinks and enjoy yourself. we'll see. how far is venue from easton?

  21. damn, is that you in front of the bike, im assuming? you could be one of my models during shows.

  22. hi chris. are you going to the auto show and the after party?

  23. hey there! just wanted to say hello. ive been working/training like crazy and trying to adjust to new schedule with the kiddos. have to work till 9pm the night of the party and be back at work in easton sunday morning at 9am. if im able to make it, i could only stay a couple of hours but knowing how i feel getting off that late, i might be too tired. where is this place anyways, anywhere near easton?

  24. just wanted to say hello. havent been on the site much bc of new job. cant commit to party bc i have to work till 9pm in easton but i really want to go. i'll play it by ear. i know you guys are going to really have a wonderful evening.

  25. he is definetly a charmer!!!

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