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Status Updates posted by socaln8tv

  1. ur avatar is hilarious!

  2. wow, love the black and white. what got you into riding?

  3. wow, moving to ga? im sure you'll find a new group of riders down there. its hard for me to get away. my apologies, truly. im sick since yesterday and have been in bed hybernating instead of out saying hello to my neighbors whom i havent seen for over a month. im really quite social and enjoy that sort of thing. but during the week, with my dh'swork and evening schedules, its not realistic.

  4. yeah i wouldnt want to aim high.. is there a better option without sacrificing handling? suspension is gonna affect that if you lower no matter what anyone says. i kind of fixed on the idea that my feet must touch the ground. 5"2, what are u gonna do?

  5. yes christina -- you are pleasant and easy to be around. for sure again!

  6. yes, ok then. i was there. im kimberly. did we meet? im glad to know im not going crazy!

  7. yota - brenda is one of those girls that has aged quite gracefully!! i have a handfull of close friends that are dramatically very beautiful, her being one. she would be flattered!

  8. you just answered my question... and i had an "ah ha" moment! thank you thank you

  9. you look soooo familiar. i just had to leave that msg! maybe you can place it?

  10. your profile quote above is hillarious!! just popping in to see if you had any pics/albums. havent been on the site in a month so im playing catch up

  11. your signature quote is worth sharing. u dont mind do you? even my girlfriends will appreciate that, but i'll be saving it for a good glass of merlot.

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