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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. I know it's hard to fathom (since we all spend every waking moment on OR, agonizing over rep status), but Ben actually might have other things on his plate besides getting the REP fixed. :p

    I dunno, but whoever brings it back should get the next nobel peace prize

  2. Oh I don't disagree with you there. It's like a supermodel, looks awesome, but it's high maintenance too.


    I suppose once you own one for a few years, i guess you get tired of riding it too?


  3. Hm, Nobel Price, I don't know.

    I can't understand why people always complain, "well, what has he done so far". Repair of issues in a country that has been driven into the ground for 8 years cannot be done within a few months. It is like eating unhealthy and fatty for 8 years and being 150 lbs overweight - eating right for a few months won't make you lose all that extra weight yet. It takes time, especially with the opposition he has to deal with. Republicans in the senate are still controlling a lot of aspects of the US politics...

    I for my part still think that he will do good. People just gotta give him a chance.

    And, ALL politician promise crap that they won't keep anyways just to get elected - in EVERY country!

    Well I would say you started the analogy right but the delivery was wrong.

    It's like eating unhealthy for 8 years and realzing you need a triple bypass and instead eating a fried donut burger every day for 9 months followed up by a 3 day pancake bender at Ihop and a night cap for fourth meal at TacoBell and convincing yourself that the self induced colitis will flush out all the "bad stuff" from your system.


  4. When I showed my r6 to the guy thats buying it, he had his friend come by on his ducati 1198 to peep it out. After looking at his ducati, I can assure you it doesn't lack in quality... Now if I can just line that up as my next bike in a few years

  5. So, Bush gets props for doing his job - considering he was a proponent for the war, but Obama can't visit sick family members, something he has no control over? Date night was also a ONE day thing... not WEEKS on a ranch.

    That's illogical.

    you mean his typical white grandmother? who was scared of the black man? :wtf:

    I'm pretty sure everyone in congress was a proponent of the war too, my point was that your comments about Bush's vacations were no more truthful than Obama's vacations.

  6. Well damn, he better get on that! He's only got like 3+ years to get all that done... in between trying to stabilize the economy and trying to finally get 'Mission Accomplished'.

    Bush would've been on his 3rd 3 week vacation to his ranch by now after accomplishing so much.

    You know I watched a special on NatGeo the other night, about Airforce one. And love him or hate him, George Dubyah, secretly left his family on thanksgiving and flew covertly to Iraq for an unannounced visit to the troops on Thanksgiving in 2003 in Baghdad at the height of the war. So if he took a few vacations oh well, I think it pails in comparison to Obama's trip to Hawaii a few days before the election, date night in New York, Trip to Martha's vineyard, and his countless stops across the world on his Apology World Tour.

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