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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. so my wife was watching greys anatomy last night and they were talking about the 5 stages of grieving... and I was like how Ironic... that almost explains our legislative process regarding healthcare

    Denial — WTF are you kidding me, they wouldn't have gubment run healthcare in the united states.... we're not commies or socialists

    Anger — Not on my watch, lets have some tea parties, buy more ammo, its time for a revolution!

    Bargaining — Okay well as long as it doesn't make my costs go up, I guess I could live with it

    Depression — I can't believe the stars on the flag are going to change to yellow :( life sucks, what happened to America?

    Acceptance — well what did I expect, we did elect Obama... we had to elect carter to find our Reagan... I guess I'll buy me a 2012 bumper sticker

  2. I like how acorn is now suing the guy and girl and brietbart.com for posting the video because in Maryland there's some law about two people videotaping without notification?

    ONLY IN AMERICA can you rape and pillage the system, get called out on it, and sue the whistleblower

  3. man i leave the forum for 12 hours and you guys turn my post office thread into another healthcare thread! thats okay i kinda left it open for that in my original comment. Still entertaining as always... Personally I don't think the government can do a better job of running healthcare by giving it away to more people, thats not "reform" thats a handout and whether you think the quality of care, or government provided healthcare is feasible... I just don't think it should be a function of our government... I think its overstepping the boundaries of the federal governments role which was defined in our constitution. But thats just my ever so humble opinion, they should just focus on the sovereignty of our nation instead of creating more debt and driving that dollar into the ground. Does anyone else find it funny that we fund the U.N. more than any other nation (by far) and yet the U.N. is calling for a new world currency to replace the dollar? Maybe we should just dissolve the U.N.? I'm pretty sure its pointless and all the sanctions in the world don't mean shit to the countries that need them... UH OH I feel a new thread coming on.

  4. I've lived in almost every shitty suburb dayton has to offer...

    I knew I was destined for greatness when I was born at a hospital in Xenia

    Grew up in New Carlisle till I was 6, then moved to huber heights, then finally arrived in fairborn when I was ten where it took me till I was 20 to get to Centerville (not bad) and a few years later the dirty burg aka miamisburg where I've been for about 3 years...

  5. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like 5 years after every other major carrier... dun dun duh...

    T-Mobile launched 3G in Dayton today....

    I can finally view OR on my phone at reasonable speed...

    I never thought this day would come :takeit:

  6. yeah i heard there were as many as 10 android phones coming to market next year in the U.S. Right now they're only with T-Mobile in the states, but pretty soon all the major carriers will have an android platform phone which will kill iphone sales because its pretty similar to the iphone platform. When I dl'd programs on my mytouch, there's a ton of apps from overseas where they have a few more android phones. If you like to keep up with this stuff check out



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