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Everything posted by MH:TT600

  1. www.bikebandit.com www.kneedraggers.com - they match prices-bought my new fieldsheer leather and icon helmet few weeks ago. www.motorcycle-superstore.com - bought g/f's helmet, icon shield, ,etc recently. www.compacc.com this is an Ohio company so you have to pay sales tax which sucks. www.sporttour.com - Cincinnati folks: this is in Sharonville on US42 and is a great shop. they match their internet prices, do some service, and can get most anything.
  2. i know i know. I am still learning this message board. check again. sheesh!
  3. MH:TT600

    Mitch & Tex 004

    From the album: Stuff

  4. MH:TT600


  5. a chance to post some pics of my dogs on O-R? Better believe it... Mitch(big one) is an Australian Blue Heeler, aka Cattle Dog. Got him at 8 weeks and now he is 4 1/2. Tex is an Australian Red Heeler mixed with Jack Russell probably. The girlfriend and I adopted him back in November. Good dogs and full of energy.
  6. wilkommen. lots of us newb's here to go along with the vets.
  7. glad you walked away easily, and it's a good thing you had a few fellow riders with you to morally support you on the way back....and bust your balls later. hope the repairs are quick.
  8. fair enough. Well today and next Thursday I'm no good, but hopefully the following. Now hurry up and reply so you can get to triple digits.
  9. So when you all meet up for the QS&L bike nights, is it always at Cinci Mills Chipotle? And do you all just hang out there at Quaker, or chill for a bit then ride? Never been to one, so curious ya know.
  10. yes, only if you buy it from a gun dealer. it's best to buy a gun private if you can. Save all the damn paperwork, etc. $400 for a barely used glock. great gun, but i hate the way it feels in my hand. If somebody is in the market, I'd jump on it. PLUS it's tax free!
  11. Dude-Not sure if you are looking to get another leather to replace it or not, but I've got a brand new yoshimura black in size XL. it was too big for me and i couldn't send it back. Got a good deal on it for $275 so I'm looking to get $230 or so since I've already bought me a Fieldsheer.
  12. Ouch. Don't be coming at me now too Dude. I was just bustin balls with how you and Mako seem to like to bicker possibly.
  13. no I don't have any others right now. I guess maybe I should because it's not as clean anymore. Scraped up the left fairing after going down a few days after I got it. Nothing cracked, just scrapes and I lost my turn signal.

  14. Well I've seen some of the posts between you two...AND it seems like you guys have your own issues to sort out:). I'm glad to be here. Hopefully I can meet some new people to ride with that aren't out trying to break ALL of the laws, etc. I saw you guys posting about bike night at Quaker. I hope to make it up there sometime soon once I get the girlfriend comfortable riding on the rear-she's actually excited.
  15. yea, good deal. I really just love to ride. It takes the edge off like a nice stiff drink.
  16. yea, no problem. It's a hell of a lot easier to get parts, etc with the Jap brands. I'm not sure if my next bike will be a triumph based on ease of getting service, parts, mods, and such.
  17. Hey all. My name is Mark and I'm new to the O-R site. Been riding for about 2 years now. I ride a '01 Triumph TT600. My first bike, and it has treated me well. I usually just ride by myself or with a few friends occassionally. Wouldn't mind meeting some to go out cruisin' with, but I'm not into stunting. Don't get me wrong, it's cool as hell, but not while you're riding by me please. I live in Cheviot so I typically ride on the westside of town, etc.
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