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Posts posted by Sara_Rides

  1. Ya Know, Ferrah Fawcet died today too, how come no one makes a stink about her? LOL No Offense, cause MJ was a great musical artist and a name to put down in history....but I for one am glad that at least now our kids are safe ;) (Okay, that was sort of mean, and I apologize if I offended anyone in saything that....it's not right to talk poorly about the deceased, so I apologize)

  2. If you really like her do something out of the ordinary to take her by surprise...a picnic by a lake, or a local festival/fish fry type of thing, the outdoors this time of year can be very romantic. If you want to impress her there is a place in Bexley called The Top...a very fancy steak place with a piano bar and live entertainment.

  3. In Honor of My Fiance and all of the other Father's on this webiste I thought it would only be appropriate to wish you ALL a Happy Father's Day and remind you how important a Father is in child's life.


    "F" aithful.

    "A" lways there.

    "T" rustworthy.

    "H" onoring.

    "E" ver-loving.

    "R" ighteous.

    "S" upportive.

    What Makes a Dad

    God took the strength of a mountain,

    The majesty of a tree,

    The warmth of a summer sun,

    The calm of a quiet sea,

    The generous soul of nature,

    The comforting arm of night,

    The wisdom of the ages,

    The power of the eagle's flight,

    The joy of a morning in spring,

    The faith of a mustard seed,

    The patience of eternity,

    The depth of a family need,

    Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add,

    He knew His masterpiece was complete,

    And so, He called it ... Dad

    Fathers are Wonderful People

    Fathers are wonderful people

    Too little understood,

    And we do not sing their praises

    As often as we should...

    For, somehow, Father seems to be

    The man who pays the bills,

    While Mother binds up little hurts

    And nurses all our ills...

    And Father struggles daily

    To live up to "HIS IMAGE"

    As protector and provider

    And "hero or the scrimmage"...

    And perhaps that is the reason

    We sometimes get the notion,

    That Fathers are not subject

    To the thing we call emotion,

    But if you look inside Dad's heart,

    Where no one else can see

    You'll find he's sentimental

    And as "soft" as he can be...

    But he's so busy every day

    In the grueling race of life,

    He leaves the sentimental stuff

    To his partner and his wife...

    But Fathers are just WONDERFUL

    In a million different ways,

    And they merit loving compliments

    And accolade of praise,

    For the only reason Dad aspires

    To fortune and success

    Is to make the family proud of him

    And to bring them happiness...


    He's a guardian and a guide,

    Someone that we can count on


    Enjoy, and always remember that as a father you are one of the most important person in your childs' life....HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!

  4. its not like im asking him to physically allow you to share your frontal parts with me :D

    I know this...I'm not saying he wont be in the sharing mood....there is a very real possibility of that happening..:D..it wont happen unless he does it though, have patience hang out in here and we'll talk about anything else you want, it's cool, then when he gets up we'll go from there :p

  5. Get to the wearing out part. This is better than pr0n! I think it's because I know I can meet you people one of these days. :eek:

    That's sort of how I see it....it's like amature porn, it's real people doing real stuff....although we haven't posted anything pornographic, merely suggestive....anyway

    The brief version is that we started at a little after midnight with the... ;) festivities....and didn't stop until 6am....and that is not anywhere near an exaggeration....

  6. Well, I appreciate those of you who chose to spend your precious time at work in this thread...as far as Hooters tonight....wont have a sitter and my ex-husband backed out on watching my son....again...

    as far as waiting....well, I wore Crash out last night....he'll be asleep for a while, I can recount the events that took place last night but the pictures I can not share until he give the thumbs up...

    again, thank you all for your continued participation!! What can I do to repay you?

  7. Once Zero gets up, I'll have him look through what we took last night....which was way better and there are a ton, I'm sure he will be able to find something 'tasteful' and not too 'revealing' to share....anything to keep the thread going....

  8. Okay, yea, we might have gotten a little excited with the camera last night and forgot about the rest of you, but as promised I have a booty picture, and with all the other snap shots we took last night we should be able to find something else that will be worth keeping this thread going....maybe more boobs??


  9. Those are some bigguns. You can see the marks left by the bra. Why aren't her nails red!?

    Ok we now have T. We now need Ass! Stitch make it happen brother!

    We're working on it....slowly, it's a work in progress....and I have pink nail polish, would that suffice? :p any other requests? :lol: I'm working for y'all now cause I am determined to make this thread longer than Revs :D

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