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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Wait I'm confused... are you the retard or is he? If everyone has 1 or 2 retard friends and you guys are friends couldn't that mean you're both retarded?
  2. Well honestly this is an Off-Topic thread so no reason for the thread police to come in.
  3. There you have it folks. JRM has indeed confirmed his preference is for babies WITH BBQ sauce, therefore confirming he HAS indeed eaten at least TWO babies. FOR SHAME
  4. So you're saying you hate babies?
  5. Likwid


    This belongs in Fallen Riders. but RIP
  6. Just a realist lol And yes, I'm pissing rainbows right now
  7. While I certainly don't think closing the road is a good idea does anyone REALLY think the governor cares about people being upset? Yes he should, but do you honestly think it's going to make a difference.
  8. The internet is srs bsns
  9. I have no idea what you're talking about All Glenn Beck has to do is come out and SAY he didn't rape a girl... but he hasn't, why wouldn't he just come right out and say it, it costs him nothing to just set the record straight but he hasn't.
  10. Cite your source please
  11. What part of "Not a scientific study" do you people NOT understand?
  12. And don't get too offended yet... most folks aren't even remembering what waving is yet
  13. I rode to work today All 15 feet from the bedroom to the office
  14. I haven't been joyriding like last summer yet... just a ride to the store and to get gas
  15. You're very right there, Casper has some spectacular SEO going on.
  16. I don't want to use the gubbernit's site
  17. That SHOULD go for itself... but people are stupid... What specifically bothered me is that they say that "most sites will release information for emergencies"... basically all these bullshit privacy policies and terms of service don't mean diddly shit when LE says "ZOMG WE NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!11111elevenelevenoneoneoneone"
  18. http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/social_network/20100303__crim_socialnetworking.pdf Remember that next time you post your drunken update about how you outran the cops on your ZX9
  19. Dude, page 541... I didn't know RAM mount made an attachment for handguns! If only that was legal here
  20. There's lots in that catalog I want Does he have to put everything in one order, like you'd coordinate anyone's purchases? And is the $2500 he needs the msrp or how much we actually buy?
  21. bump. All things equal, I bought a new router today MIMO N (but my PC adapter is a G)
  22. It was a little annoying... but very true I enjoyed it once I skipped past the babbling
  23. How would she find out? She's long gone
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