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Posts posted by krzwhtman

  1. i rode some fat chicks ass last nite

    to bad you were not on w.6th street last night .... all kinds of ass hoping on the bikes. all shades ...sizes :) i pulled away on two , need to pick up another no fat bitches sticker.

  2. if people want to look at wastefull spending they should look into shelf life replacements . could be donated around the country . the Government as a whole has a national security obligation to replace alot of items that are still usable to the general populace. a flight on a bird is nothing ....... hell quit paying for gps man power time (airforce )and let the civilian companies that sell em update em. there are a zillion ways to trim budget . bitching about presidental spending is anti government bullshit. that will never stop. there should be one day a decade or so of NO GOVERNMENT ... just to squelch the naysayers , after they see what its like to live in do it yourself society. aka any country with no government .... after that there is no status quo , no rich no poor .... only the fight to live. ( Somalia )

  3. ahhh buy a Bulldog . send him out once a week ,month whatever to get laid , easy $500 .

    could not have anything like the lil cow at my house. Amstaf would try killing it , and if she got it down ... Meatball (bulldog) would try mounting it .... bad situation all around.

    nice looking animals though. Grats

  4. was a good ride with lost and think screen name was cleve something (dave) . rode till 10 or so , i ran home wife did not mind me riding more :) West 6th has penty of hot chiquita's last night , bunch of us that used to meet up in the flats wound up meeting up on w. 6th . cleveland riding is not as bright as it uses to be ... but its looking up. was out till about 4 am .... im getting old. lol used to always end at 7

    On a side note . Bud that has a 2000 busa picked up the 09 Yamaha Raider . EVERY Sport Bike that passed us last bight acted like we were punks and wanted to race .... told him hes gonna have to get a HVBUSA2 plate . his bike was in break-in so i had to fight the need . no sence in leaving him behind . Cruisers usually are not my style , but after the next sport . i think ill be ready for the 2 bike thing. is a nice bike.

  5. Saturday is Fight Night in the Flats, and a guy I used to train with is the co main event, so I'm out for Sat...unless it's like between now and 4ish.

    where are they boxing in the flats? did not know they do down there. havent seen a good fight since the old navy gym , or one of the local trainers. besides the arenas.

  6. Glad your ok bro

    A fellow BMX'er. I have a GT Performer (freestyle) in Lambo Orange, Haro TR2.2 24 cruiser (race bike).

    Used to race back in England a loooong time ago.

    We have a GT Comp (freestyle) & a Redline (race) bikes for Karla too.

    ohhh man that just made me feel OOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD . Used to ride a GT Pro Performer (stolen),GT world tour (kept it for the kid that came someday, had a daughter that says ick thats a boys bike), Mongoose (stolen), Hutch trickstar (cracked it in half) and i have not heard those in ALONG time. sort of a shame Mongoose went generic , was a featherweight but strong.

    Asked kids about the bikes they were riding a year or so ago .... i was thinking :wtf: never heard of em.

    just searched on EBAY thought they would be pricey . found a pro performer for lil less than what it costed then.

    pro performer

    hutch was up there.

    hutch trick star

  7. id show for the marginal road thing , but the grass is calling my name. gotta get all the honey do trash done this am, so i can ride the rest of the weekend.

    So anyone ready to set up saturday afternoon ride? Maybe around 4 or 5?

  8. your looking at the m4 600 area , im not gonna argue with some shooter about what the military does and does not do , its not like you got the time to measure a shot in a fire fight,so no the military does not keep records (or atleast not accurately) i said CONSISTANTLY at 1,000 yards , and up to 1,500 .... about the m-16 , then i mention the m1 and the 14 for the fact it is the preferred weapon of the rifle team, you can shoot a mile for all i care with a 22 223 7.62 270 306 308 or 50 cal... it doesnt matter to me. . i dont care i got nothing to prove , but at 200 to 1000 with a M-16 id prove my point. after 1,000 i didnt say it was the most accurate , just stating it could AT & T now reach out and touch someone at 1500 yards . might have to have the muzzle high .but hey its Military efficient . not like your adjusting for windage when tagging someone. shooting is shooting. bone on bone , natural resp. pause , BANG , rinse repeat. and its not luck Marine Corps shooters are best in world consistanly for a reason , when it comes to natural shooting. USMC 500 and on target 19.5 x 40

    No offense man but you keep changing your story.. First is was that an M16 was good to 1500, now your talking about M14's and shots to 1800 meters.

    Lets set the record straight.

    A lucky shot at 1500 is not repeatable... ITS LUCK.

    Quick talking about consistant and accurate hits with the M16 to 1500, because your dead wrong..

    Here ya go, taken from Pg 3 of your manual you posted

    Max effective range:

    500 meters (individual/point targets)

    600 meters (area targets)

    Why are you now trying to argue different caliber weapons now.. I know what shot your talking about and it was closer to 1700 if memory serves me and it was taken with a 7.62 and not a fucking M16, M4 or any other variant which uses the 5.56. Even the guy that took the shot said it was pure luck and a shot that he could probably never repeat.

    cough cough bullshit cough cough.. one of the dumber things I have heard

    i said 14

    you can say its dumb all day ..... quite frankly i dont care. i know when it came to shooting .... REAL shooting . the comp range dont mean shit anyways.was just having a conversation that ofcourse again got negative. your welcome to join the Corps or maybe ask them to come to a Marine Corps Rifle Team Trials range day. last post on issue.

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