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Posts posted by Bhobs

  1. You have to remeber you are his Wife now not his Girlfriend there is a difference in my eyes. I would not like my wife talking with guys on my space. Personally I am suprised at your avatar. If you were my wife I would have been upset that you even put it up on a web site full of guys.


    Things are different when you are married, or at least they should be.


    You should if nothing else respect the fact that it bothers him, and that alone should be enough for you to say well if it bothers you I will take it down.


    well he doesnt mind the avatar i just think its funny....considering that when we first started dating he put like 10 half naked pics of me up on this board with out me knowing i think its pretty damn even. :)

  2. classic ownage.



    im sorry, i dont know the backstory to all this, but reading through these posts, im assuming that the boyfriend in question is also a member of this board?


    should he have deleted your shit? no, i think that was a bit of an overreaction.


    this thread, on the other hand, was exponentially more stupid than what he did. nothing like making a sensitive relational situation better by publicizing it.


    couple of things...

    1. youre not going to get any decent relational advice on here. trust me. ive been here four years, seen all of these threads, and have yet to see this board fix or even help repair anyones love life. (yes, even the ones i posted in.) if anything, it just creates more drama. can i get an amen?


    2. looking for advice is one thing. looking for advice in a public place about your boyfriend who is known as a member here and will probably read it is just stupid-cali-fragi-listic-expi-ala-dumbass. you didnt really think this was going to help resolve anything, so you had to have been instigating some shit and using us a medium. either that, or youre just really, really dumb.


    id like to tell you to be mad at him. i really would, because i hate it when dumb guys give those of us who are decent a bad name. but i cant, because it seems you two are made for each other.


    if my original assumption was incorrect, then i take it all back, and hes a jealous dumbass.



    first of all i never put this thread up to get relationship advice....i put it up for the reason that my husband could read what everybody had to think on the situation and maybe realize he overreacted or whatever. also we arent fighting about it anymore bc we cant go more than 5 minutes being mad at each other....i just wanted him to see the opinions of what other guys thought....and no im not fucking dumb :) and no my husband isnt a jealous dumbass....but thanks for nothing anyways.

  3. You and ryan fight over the stupist shit ever!!!!!!!! i remember I got to break video tapes of your guys past cuz it had x's in it...ahhahaha..you guys are fuckin retarded.........honestly





    chad last time i checked u have never had a relationship so im pretty sure your advice is no good to me.......and we would only fight when u came over bc we wanted u to leave hahahaha ;)

  4. What kind of pictures? I do know that I would be pissed off because you posted this question on a board that he is on, in front of his friends etc.



    well i have nothing to hide thats why i posted up here.

  5. so my husband got mad bc i have a myspace account and he deleted it bc there were guys on there whom i have known longer than him......would u guys on here do the same thing? or is it just me for thinking thats stupid for him to do that????
  6. i had to take the same pills when i got mine out.....they made me wanna sleep alot and feel crappy....so i threw them out and started taking like 5 ibprofin like every 4 hours and that helped alot....if i were u i would stop taking those and try what i did...good luck :) also i remember the doctor telling me to drink a ton of water and i drank alot so maybe that would help.
  7. Wheels have to be next. The wifey probably wouldn't like a drop since it will ride rougher but wheels would make it complete. Nice looking kit though.



    actually i cant wait to toss a hot set of wheels on that bad boy ;)

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