Have my M&D on VZW Mifi option for past 2 years... 3G/4G with 5GB plan is good for web surfing and general email. If you're doing large downloads, many PC builds w/ updates, or anything streaming... you're going to hit monthy quota quickly as others have stated. My folks have 2 laptops connected and they consume around 3-4GB per month (facebook, email, and basic web surfing). At work, I have 6,500 field staff between VZW, Sprint, and AT&T data services. These folks VPN from Windows PC's for email and corporate web applications (with little streaming)... we keep most folks on the 5-6GB plans to minimize data overages. Another wireless broadband option around Ohio may be Clearwire depending on location. http://www.clearwire.com/ Not sure about data limits, etc. I know the service is available around Columbus area but not sure how rural it extends... website has maps. Sorry to say, I don't know of any wide area wireless broadband solutions that don't limit data usage these days... between Netflix and Youtube, unlimited wireless options are now gone as these providers are trying to protect their networks from bandwidth hogs that consume a lot of streaming content. Just the way it is...