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About imnotfast

  • Birthday 03/04/1973

Profile Information

  • Location
    Picktown, OH-SD, CA
  • Vehicles(s)
    1999 SV650-Track* 2003 RC51

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Did I see that correct? 9 Yamaha'sin the top 10? Wow. No wonder the R6's are holding their value.
  2. Anyone seen this? Is the guy in this video the guy in question? Been meaning to watch it. It's on Netflix. http://www.theelephantinthelivingroom.com/
  3. Just saw this thread. Been shopping there since I got back to Ohio as they are not far from me. Nice shop. Check it out, great guys. I seem to find myself there on the 1st and 15th of every month:D This is my most recent purchase. I love some 'cold steel'
  4. Lived in Philly for just over a year. Beautiful city as far as scenery, history and stuff to do if you are an outdoorsy type person. But even after a year of residence I was absolutely amazed at the things people would openly say or do. Can't tell you how many times I had to look someone in the eye and say "you know you just said that out loud, right?". Point being, in my experience, COL peeps got nothing on the stupidity and mouthiness(is that a word?) on Philly peeps. Sorry for the thread jack! Glad you handled it well, better than I likely would have, and came out safe!
  5. imnotfast

    Krav Maga

    Anyone here study Krav in central Ohio? I'm recently back here in Central Ohio. It appears the only school available in this area is Ohio Krav Maga? Does anyone know this to be true or otherwise? I've studied at a few different schools, but I have a few questions about this school. If you have or currently attend, I would be much appreciative if I could ask you a few questions. TIA.
  6. -Bump- Not new anymore, obviously. But I've been gone from the O-H-I-O for a couple of years. Figured I should try to be polite and introduce myself again. Hello everyone.
  7. Sad. Prayers to his family. Godspeed Bruce. http://www.cyclenews.com/articles/industry-news/2009/07/30/bruce-rossmeyer-killed http://www.news-journalonline.com/NewsJournalOnline/News/Headlines/frtHEAD01073109.htm Sorry if it's a repost. Searched. Didn't see it.
  8. Are we playing ball this weekend?
  9. Sup mister. Sorry I missed your post. Busy week. My sister in law was in town from Colorado. How goes it? Are you going to Screamin willies on Thursday?

  10. Sup bro, sorry I missed your post. I was a little busy this past weekend. But I am definitely up to ride this weekend. Let me know?

  11. hey whats up? this is tye, i met you Thursday night. are we going riding sunday afternoon? what time and were?

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