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Everything posted by fox_racing_guy

  1. It should be a good ride and this will only be my 2nd time out riding this year myself.
  2. 57 miles 1 way. I leave for the office at 3:30AM ( many of my customers are overseas and I need to talk to them on the phone) and it's all freeway, the only other traffic is usually drunks & deer. I leave for home at 1:30 PM so it's nice in the summer to go ride or just have plenty of time to kill in the afternoons then. I commute in my 02 Civic that gets 43MPG or 1 of my bikes in the summer so fuel cost are not to bad. I only work Mon-Thur so that helps with keeping the miles reasonable and if it snows heavily I work from home. I love google voice, I use it for my business # so when people call they assume I'm at the office slaving away when I might be at home parked on my ass sipping some Jim Beam & Coke.
  3. The weather is looking great for Sat so we should have a good ride for sure. I will be traveling for work the rest of the week so I may not be able to post any more this week. I will early at Sheetz Sat probably having breakfast at BK or Denny's across the street so I'll see you all then. Mark
  4. I like this 1 There is a BMW running around in Canton on I77, don't know if he is Canton local or OHP though.
  5. Mine is up now, I guess it took them a while to approve it first.
  6. I tried submitting this 1 but I don't think it uploaded
  7. You are more than welcome to ride along with us and I would definitely not consider the pace "punishing" at any time you don't feel comfortable you can always turn around and back track home or i can give you a route to a near by interstate to slab it home. I think we will picking up a guy in Barnesville riding a DR650 and this won't be a "race pace" by nay stretch of the imagination.
  8. Bring that 450X to the MX track, Jim Jarrett rides my local track ( Beans bike park) on his GNCC bike and usually puts on a clinic for the MX guys.
  9. I could do it for you but for the cost of shipping it to me you could take it to almost any dry cleaner, shoe repair, or alteration shop and have them sew it for you. Were talking about 1.3 -1.6 mm leather here, not horse saddles so most sewing machines can easily punch right through it.
  10. Well vw it has almost been a month, have you heard anything from CL yet? I'm betting they tossed them in the incinerator...
  11. Great post and I enjoyed all the photo's.
  12. Thats cool if you got family to stay with there. Anyone else considering and you don't think you can handle the mileage I can tell you how to get back to the freeway as well if you need a "chicken out" way back. If you live a long way way from the start point there are many cheap hotels in the area that you could stay at so you would not have to wakeup at 4 or 5 am to make it. I would offer my house but I have a extremely mean & aggressive dog that hates everybody but my immediate family members. I do have enough garage space to park about 6 or 7 bikes though if that is a concern and I could shuttle you back & forth if needed in my car. I started making this run in 1984 when I was 16 with my father and we would run it just with us 2 or a couple other close friends. Around 1998 when motorcycle message boards started catching on in popularity I started this as a group ride and I've had as many as 17 bikes and as few as myself. In 2002/03 I had lady come along on her Ninja 250 and she did just fine. In all these years I have had only 1 person go down and can you guess what he was riding? A "can-O-tuna" 750 back in 2004. That is another reason I only make this ride on Saturdays, if something does happen you stand a chance of finding a place with parts open or have another day to make arrangements to get your stuff home before having to return to work on Monday. Another reason is if you ride all that way then find you are to tired to continue home you can always stay overnight someplace in WV cheap then ride home at your own leisure on Sunday. I've never had a Harley make the full trip with me but don't let that discourage you if you want to try. Remember though that this is no cruising down the freeway @ 50mph, it's all 2 lane, curvy, wide elevation changes along the way and I cruise around the 70, 75MPH range. A few photo's from last year.
  13. This will definitely be a 1 day trip here, come on over and join us.
  14. I plan on doing this ride more than 1 time this year but this is the planned date for the first 1. Last time my total mileage was 536 and I believe Brian's was around the 700 mark riding from the Cyahoga Co area. Start will be 9am and plan on being in the saddle till sundown unless you turn around early. The start point will be the Sheetz gas station located in New Philadelphia here 1281 West High Avenue, New Philadelphia. I'm not posting a map because I hardly ever use them and I don't need 1 for this route but the basic overview is OH RT 800 to the river ( maybe we can take 536 down when we got to Woodsfield though) then take the ferry boat over to WV. From this point we ride along the river till reaching WV 16, from here it's S down to 60 and I think everyone can agree that this is a Hella fun road. Ride over to the bridge and take the old road down into the gorge then return home on the same route. If the planned date don't work for some of you I'm flexible and can change it if need be but NO SUNDAY's. 97% of this ride is on 2 lane roads ( no highways) and my cruising speed is around the 72, 73 (actual) MPH. I do pass on the double yellow when deemed safe so I hope nobody has issues with that. Lunch will probably be at the same Subway we ate at last year unless 1 of you has a better suggestion. Any other questions/ concerns please feel free to discuss. Mark
  15. No hard date yet but it will be a Sat for sure, I plan on posting it on CORE as well then get a idea for a good date to go that everyone can agree on ( or most folks anyway)
  16. I'll be planning my yearly run to the New River Gorge area in WV soon. This is a all day ride with my total mileage around the 640 range and for the Cleve area folks your mileage would be around 800 miles. I had 6 or 7 others join me last year and we had a great trip and you are welcome to come along with us if you like.
  17. Well if you taking request bring 1 of those new trick 350 SX's, I'm sure they got 1 tucked away up there.
  18. Congrats on the new job, it must be a hoot working for a manufacture.
  19. I might just make it over for this if the weather forecast changes, not looking to hot for the weekend at the moment.
  20. Is this for a PitBull Stand? If so I might have the correct pin for you that I no longer use. If I have it I would happily send it to you for free, I got tired of fixing all my friends bikes for free and got rid of a ton of stuff thats not specific to my own motorcycles.
  21. Now why don't they follow the cruiser bikes around from bar to bar and do a story about them?
  22. Tame compared to Beans Bike park Area 330 Briarcliff Scenic Highlands ( sadly now closed ) It's definitely not as tame as places like Malvern or Battlesburg but I never found it to be to challenging, difficult, or fun. Not enough elevation change and table tops are not my thing either. Crow Canyon would be a great place to take your family to as they would have something for everybody to ride women & children included.
  23. I have a friend that is interested in a trade, he can't get to a computer over the weekend so I am posting for him. His bike is a 01 Kawasaki ZRX 1200R, he makes many aftermarket parts for ZRX's and he owns 2 now so thats why he is looking for something new as well. If your interested I can PM you his contact info.
  24. Thats a great idea for sure, are you even permitted to own 2-stroke weed wackers in CA now? I'm guessing you must have owned 1 of those Honda 4-stroke weed wackers here and not mixing motor oil to make 2 stroke gas.
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