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Everything posted by bruisedk7

  1. So me and a buddy have been planning for a week or so to go riding down south yesterday. When we left Marion @ 10 it was barley raining, got on 270 and again hardly raining, got on 33 and it was actually dry. Well it was dry for bout 10 minutes and then it really started coming down. We road in the rain for what seemed like forever until we pulled into the rest stop to dry off and wait for it to stop. So a good 45 minutes go buy and we decide that the sun was shining long enough so we mount back up only this time he is leading the way. Well bout 10 minutes later I pop over the hill only to find a set or r6 brake lights shining in my face. Oh SHIT I hit the brakes so I don't hit him only my rear tire doesn't like that idea on the still damp pavement. Now I'm sliding on my side still holding onto the bike and I'm thinking o just fucking great I'm sliding. Get up take my gear off and check myself out(only road rash) couldn't pull the bike out the ditch so I had to call the statey. Long story short this is the worst vacation ever!
  2. On the bright side you got yourself a new boyfriend! Just wondering you spit or swallow lol
  3. Was thinking bout getting the storm soon but when I googled it kept getting sites talking bout a storm 2 that coming out soon to compete wit the new iphone so I thinking I will just wait till the storm 2 comes out
  4. Your sig doesn't say anything bout wave rotors you could buy some expensive ass galfer rotors
  5. Thanks for the suggestions guys I bought a state map today and started highlighting and I think I marked most the roads mentioned. I really appreciate the warning on construction too. Just wondering how often am I gonna see a gas stations
  6. Wednesday me and a buddy are gonna ride 536 and I was wondering what are some good roads in the area to ride. Compared to Marion I sure all the roads are gonna be more fun to ride I seen you guys road it a week ago and was thinking of stealing that map.
  7. If that was his wife he probably wouldn't log any miles on the bike lol
  8. bruisedk7


    257 is ok but if you going the speed limit or anything close to it then it kinda boring. The road kinda goes like this straight for a mile or so couple curves then straight again and repeat. But there not much traffic and what little there is its usually cruising @ like 70
  9. I riding it this Wednesday but don't have a route yet prob ride hocking first to get warmed up after my 2 hrs of freeway cruising
  10. I would but got plans to ride that area on Wednesday
  11. Not really the biggest shaq fan but at least he a true center they need to sign hedo now and they would have an awesome starting 5
  12. My vacation is finally here thank god! I work 3rd shift so I get to sleep in bed wit my wife and get to do things wit the family without being half asleep lol. Don't really have much planned for my time off mainly just work around the house and relaxing but as long as the weather is nice on the 1st I'll be on the bike all day so I can't wait for that
  13. Sounds like could be fun but I would have to bring the boys so that means no bike
  14. I've caught myself doin it a couple time but I do the same thing wit my jeep but the jeep I usually don't wave @ the yj's cause I think the square head lights look like ass Lol
  15. I was planning on going but the boys are playing soccer again this year so I gotta pay for registration but I will be going to park Ave saturday evening
  16. Assembly @ the "dryer capital of the world"
  17. Welcome. What did you get caught doing to be chatting wit an officer
  18. Welcome and have fun in your msf class the 2nd riding day is kinda fun IMO
  19. Thanks for the welcome and the suspension help looks like they got some pretty good prices so I might have to haul her down there when I on vacation
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