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Posts posted by DGTL GRL

  1. I'm assuming you'll be walking distance to Conway's and Roosters since that is basically where all our hotels are located right off of 33/36.

    Conway's doesn't have much for atmosphere, but it is a great place for food and reasonable drink prices.

    You'll also be really close to the place that 'the game' mentioned above. I've heard mixed reviews on that place so I can't confirm if it's any good or not since I've not been there personally.

    Roosters has lots of eye candy, but seriously the chicks share brain cells there. It's annoying if you prefer your server's iq to be more then their shoe size. Food is alright there.. it's not as good as other places.

    You can probably get away with Mangos if you're not wasted or out too awfully late. You still have to drive back (3 miles?) to the hotel.

  2. My husband works there. Well, the former motorcycle plant actually. He did work in manufacturing.

    We live in Marysville.

    Benny's is good.

    Conways Barbeque has 50cent wings all day on Sundays that are pretty good.

    Mangos which is over by Walmart has good Mexican food. Happy hour is fantastic with half priced appetizers and great beer prices. The staff there are awesome. That place is in a strip mall next to Walmart.

    YES.. BE CAREFUL IF YOU DECIDE TO DRINK/DRIVE or even JUST DRIVE.. the cops here are jerks! It's basically copland around here.

  3. Don't judge Ohio on Dayton. I grew up in the surrounding suburbs and I'm not a fan. I like Columbus WAAAAY better. Much more to do, MUCH better downtown and some nice country living without going tooooo far out. I think my next house will be in the far out parts of Gahanna that are a little more country-ish. Have a good amount of land and trees and space between neighbors!

    Though eventually, I'd like to move to TN

    as for the home....

    I recommend marysville. Cheap taxes and land. Just got to deal w Jesus freaks,hypocrites, and og marysville wt.

  4. The last time I had a White Russian was the night of my 21st birthday.. ummmm.. let's say that's been a couple of years now.

    I didn't like them then.. HOWEVER.. I am willing to revisit the subject.

  5. I would like to make it, but that's too far for a lunch hour. If this is going to be a regular thing, maybe move it around town a bit? Do something in the NW and I'm in, I bet DGTL GRL and a few others would be too.


    :hijack:Maybe we should start our own Friday meet up. Sawmill, Tuttle.. no further than Fishinger Rd.

    If it was a weekday or weekend breakfast meet-up that would be something different.

  6. well.. umm.. I like banana peppers...

    If I order banana peppers and you give me the cores on my pizza instead of the pepper rings it really pisses me off.

    I know it takes an extra few seconds not to give people cores instead of quality ingredients they paid for but.. COME ON!

    okay.. end rant.

  7. Starbucks- in the cafe at work with change I stole from my hubby's nightstand

    Big Lebowski Soundtrack- used off of eBay for $3 including shipping

    Book of Stamps

    From Walmart:

    10 Smart One's meals

    1 bag of spinach

    1 package of turkey

    1 container Non-Fat Vanilla Yogurt

    1 box of Low Fat Whole Grain Eggo Waffles

    1 box of Kleenex

  8. just a suggestion, but you could do it at the Knights and have everyone bring dishes and have cheap drinks all night, I could even buy some special liquors like I did for the halloween partay... but I understand if People are getting tired of that scene..

    Like,but doubt i could afford the cab fare.

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