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Posts posted by DGTL GRL

  1. LOL


    Yeah, I took my original BRC class at Delaware North and a F'N JERK named Eugene (Gene) seemed to have issue with two types of people there--- the women riders and the 1 black guy in our class. Apparently if you were white and male you were okay. He knew that myself and others had never rode before.

    I passed the class but he had beat down my riding confidence so much that I decided to go as a Walk-in to Delaware South. IT WAS AWESOME! I was getting the thumbs up from both Rick and Tom and improved my score greatly.

  2. I don't care what the political affiliation happens to be of said-voter. I just want them to not look at the young girl working the election as horrible spawn of the devil who invented the ID requirements.

    I don't know how many lazy (usually older) voters I have to tell that I even ID'd my husband that morning.

    It's not like I have to see a photo ID. Show me a friggn' 6 month old utility bill. That works too.

  3. Justin- Thanks! I've been doing that since August of 2007. I live in an EXTREMELY Republican area. I mean.. hard core!

    I hear you on the Presiding Judge issue.. I'm taking Presiding Judge training on Thursday evening even though I can't be one in my precinct because its ®. The Board of Elections requested I attend since my Presiding Judge I believe is now well into her 70s and I'm always keeping her on track. She even sends me Thankyou cards for my efforts and ever election makes sure that I'm working to keep things running smoothly.

    OH... and on Friday I have Facilitator training. That is the person who services (changes tape, etc) the DRE voting machines.

    I guess I'm kind of important to my precinct to be able to complete 3 different jobs during Election day.

    Kudos to your mother for her efforts!!

  4. I hate to completely choose 1 party and I've never voted a straight ticket. However, I do have a memory and refuse to act like the 8 years of the Dubya were blissful and the best years of our lives.

    I will take credit for voting him in the first time. I just wasn't in love with the man that invented the internet.

    However the second time around--- "Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." GW Bush

    That man had a way with words! LOL

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