Well... Even though I disagree with the lawyer, it is still his job to try to convince the jury in any way possible. Even if the lawyer KNOWS that the defendant is guilty, it is his job to get him off the hook. Wow... A. Spell check is wonderful! B. You are slightly misled on the job of an officer. C. Check out Modern Synthetics post... Makes sense. Shoot to kill not to maim or injure. Hating cops is far from the right answer because there really are MANY MANY MANY more good ones than bad. Most people hate cops because they see videos like this or because they got pulled over and didnt think they did anything wrong. What about when you see a video of a cop that shot a bank robber that killed 2 people and was fleeing? Ya, a normal citizen with a concealed carry can shoot the assailant as well and people would praise him/her but if the officer does it he is just doing his job. What about when the cop arrives at the scene of an accident and is the only one there that has to save the life of one of the accident victims? Again, just doing his job. People want cops to do everything perfect all the time and be everywhere at the same time. It isnt going to happen. As for the concealed carry, if you are just now getting your concealed carry, how do you know how a cop reacts when you tell them you have a gun on you? The officer will, more than likely, just ask you where it is, ask to see your card, tell you not to touch the weapon and move on from there. Freak out? Not likely. Agreed... On both statements.