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Everything posted by wingnut1

  1. wingnut1


    Friends, I have much experience investing. Old adage: Invest in the market only what you can afford / absorb to loose. Most likely, you will not loose all but the ups and downs can be stressful and the novice freaks out and sells at the wrong time. Most newbies buy high and sell low - Buffett preaches to buy when others are fearful and sell when others are greedy. His contrarian approach rules the day. Unless you have sound advice from an experienced veteran trader or counselor - hang on to your cash. Especially right now - write this down, the market is due for a flash crash - very soon. Dump your bucks in an ING savnigs or money market account. Max your 401K and designate as safe as possible for the invest vehicle - even use a money market whichhas no risk. If you want to use the market, check out Fidelity.com and read through their "getting started" pages. Best!
  2. Scottie, Just saw your post - That's 2 of us riding in the weather. I have been in Maryville, TN since Thurs. - rode Charohala, Foothills, Dragon (didn't know Deals Gap closed "for the season"). Cold but dry until yesterday. It had snowed top of Charohala and had been salted so had to slow down for that - prob about 15 miles. Anyway, guys, the Dragon is FUN as ever when not having to share the road and leaves are off - you can see farther ahead. Headed home today - looks cold but dry for today. Wagner
  3. Welcome! Keep an eye on the site for the monthly CSBA rides. We leave out of Reynoldsburg for a monthly ride together. Usually 10-15 bikes and go 150 - 300 miles rides. I am in Pick so close to you and enjoy vintage bikes. "Ride it like a rental"
  4. Good pics - Rob is over tonite and had blast Sat. He says it was a pleasure meeting everyone. Todd, new wing - Always wanted a wing with flames - it's my "hotwing"
  5. Weather is looking great! See ya tomorrow!
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