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Das Borgen

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Posts posted by Das Borgen

  1. I'm looking for a machine shop on the west side of town. any recommendations. In Marysville or Plain City would be preferable (i work past Marysville) but I'm ok with west end of Columbus or even Delaware.


    I normally use M&M machining up in Delaware but I'm not sure if they're still open. I'd prefer not having to go all the way to Fowler or Performance Research on the East due to time restraints


    I'm getting some cylinder head work done




  2. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--UC83kQEY--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/gd9g82c4jspbt37c9wok.jpg



  3. Ah, the Hogue grip. Every new pistol owners first mod. It'll eventually find its way into the trash can if you shoot it enough.


    Nice gun, though. Always liked the USPs. (Just not as much as Glock...)



    hmmm.... Any particular reason?


    I've fired my buddy's with it and I quite loved it.. no more than a 100 rds I'd say. I've only dry fired mine and my hands are fairly big, so I didn't like the grip in that scenario

  4. I appreciate that Honda is making such a car...there are enthusiasts that will buy it and enjoy it. It is a performance car, so that's also a good thing.


    Not my cup of tea, but there ya go.


    Always the voice of reason

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