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Das Borgen

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Everything posted by Das Borgen

  1. Well, FBI in an interview just now I heard say he reached and confirmed a semi auto pistol in his jacket.
  2. His hands weren't up anymore when he got shot. From 00:18 until 00:24 (when he goes down), he was clearly bringing them down. Maybe he was reaching for something. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
  3. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--ozBOXCeh--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/kpspbmluc4eqxx10b4hx.jpg
  4. So literally a bag of dicks?
  5. Wanking with a fluorescent vest like that is a definite power move
  6. People keep mailing those Oregon terrorists some dildos http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--v8ctPFIn--/wi627iai5bfo1cyxcfvk.gif http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--w23il4hS--/p2b0cwtaoqun2gnkjw2e.gif
  7. And with that you're basically admitting it was a missed call on that fumble. I'm not sure you're seeing the disconnect in your case on the game-time result (no personal foul penalty) and the post-game penalty levy stance you think should happen. If it was incidental, then yes I agree it would be OK to not call a foul. But if it isn't, it absolutely implies that the Shazier spearing wasn't incidental, which is where the refs made the mistake on the judgment call. Judgment calls aren't easy, but it's very much bullshit when refs decide to be lenient on one side of the ball (Shazier), but fair/harsh on the other (Burfict's hit on Antonio) on such things. Consistency is key and that's why we're even having this discussion. The Burfict hit looked harder than the Shazier hit, but both knocked out players with severe head trauma: Bernard, and Brown respectively.
  8. Pretty much. I'm impartial. I'm a Giants fan
  9. the rule is bolded relevant portion of the Shazier hit. So no, in this instance, it does NOT matter since it clearly wasn't incidental/consequential
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