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Das Borgen

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Everything posted by Das Borgen

  1. enjoy! I found this pleasantly refreshing
  2. best for sure is Anderson's... 2 years ago it wasn't the case but they've gotten much much much bigger and better (not to say they weren't great before, because they already were)
  3. toughest form? Motorcycle Road Racing........as in.... races on public roads http://cdni.condenast.co.uk/642x390/g_j/IsleOfManTT_GQ_23mar11_rex_b.jpg
  4. Amen man... my 2nd time I went there, I had a guy hit me HARD in the side just 2 corners before pitting in after the checker. I wasn't driving balls out during that whole cool-down lap because there was no point but I also wasn't even close to crawling. I got out and asked him why he did that. I was pissed. He said it was because I was slow and he wanted to race his friend who was in front of me by a few corners. When he saw on the time sheet that I was about 0.8s faster than him, he apologized...... My ribs hurt but no biggie in the long run Still, 2 Saturdays ago, my friend's wife cracked (yup, cracked) 2 ribs there and bruised a lung
  5. My point isn't about the noise though... I was more peeved at the elitism of not being able to call it a Mustang, especially since precedence exists Still, the Ecoboost one will be a hot ticket I think
  6. because there's never been a "Mustang" with a 4cyl...... gimme a break
  7. Amen to that.. Last night, I put a clean pass on this one asshole who decided he HAD to t-bone me very next corner.......... so my next pass on him wasn't even half as clean the dirty one he put on me......... that fucker quickest I had was 64.5s on the Super Track
  8. .....my mirror is still there. I need it for the rest of the race!"
  9. I went today with a group and this is what I found out.... In the name of saving $$$ on wear n tear on tires, they've bumped down tires pressures from 25 psi front, 30psi rear to 20psi front, 25psi rear.... today (possibly since yesterday) fastest I was able to do was 36.7s.... which is almost 2 seconds slower than what I normally (I've done 34.9 and a bunch of 35.0 and 35.1). Grip is definitely suffering, as that Juggernaut guy who holds the track record at 33.1 did "only" a 35.7 today
  10. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/71/91/ae/7191ae3a29712a69fa0e1ec25b4af50e.jpg
  11. Alonso is getting the best of him by quite a bit though. The only race Kimi looked better was Monaco, but he made a bone headed move and crashed out
  12. that's pretty much the definition of a kata
  13. just skip the interviews at the end
  14. That was an intense kata
  15. DAT BATMOBILE http://stancewords.stanceworks.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/bmw-csl-batmobile.jpg
  16. very cool perspective to be right there in the action. music by Andrea Bocelli
  17. LOL at the Cadillac drafting your daughter halfway down the track
  18. Did my advice help you in the back section? that was awesome fun indeed... I only managed that 62.4 lap. Maybe another session and I would have gone faster, but I was tired lol
  19. well, that ending was unexpected. Metal soundtrack ftw
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