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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. your 100% correct. I concure.
  2. dustin does a great job! I love going to his shop!
  3. its running good and reasonably reliable. Now for some odd reason at idle, (theres little tubes that run off the carbs, and down below the swing arm) and fuel runs out of them at idle. Any ideas?
  4. I don't have much of a route planned so if anyone has one they would like to ride speak up. if not, ill wing it!
  5. probably meet at the walmart on 201.
  6. I measure from the swing arm to the tire. and set it the same on each side.
  7. Doin some riding thursday, and going to take a pit stop at qsal. anyone wanting to join is welcome.probably meet huber heights area around 5 ride for awhile and then head to qsal for some grub and hanging out.
  8. we were all over the place last night! i think my trip odo said 115 miles..
  9. one of the guys on triumphrat made there own balencer, i can direct you to him if you would like. Does joes really charger 70 bucks to put a tune on? Thats highway robbery. I always play with mine on the battery tender. if it drops below a particular voltage, it will loose connection.
  10. damn no one wanted to ride at mid night!
  11. i told you, he let me take it when we were hanging out one day... pfft! Star cars mueseum in gaitlinburg
  12. you rode right past it...because your throttle got stuck.. due to cable problems..
  13. back on topic guys! god! ...hey donski... are you gona eat those tots?
  14. Mr. Cruise and I hung out one day, and he let me take this photo of him
  15. bwahahha. Mr. Rocket sir. I myself was being sarcastic. so
  16. mr.rocket, your totally uncalled for. you show up here, get all butt hurt over someone teasing you alittle bit and make asshole comments all over the forum. Why don't you take your wrenchs and go back to the garage and lean how to use them. Thank you and have a nice day.
  17. of course, i wanted somthing that resembles a sport bike with harley styling... you know for the badass effect
  18. can you help me fix my throttle cable? I tried to put new handle bars on and can't figure it out.
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