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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. we waited around untill 5:15 and rolled out.
  2. i get off work at 4 oclock. =) meet up at 5, hang out for a few, and get riding. heading to qsal probably around 7-730.
  3. custom paint typically means " its been down"
  4. you made me LOL , so you get a free bump!
  5. hope it all works out for you man. thats a great looking motorcycle. I would rock one of those,( if i got to keep my triumph too)
  6. looks awesome man. I am really curious about the seat pads. where did you purchase those from?
  7. as i said, i don't have much of a route planned, so I will wing it. Just be a mellow relaxed ride. and we will end up at qsal.
  8. supposidly our rat pack never had waivers untill last year, and some shady things happend(sounded like someone wrecked someone on purpose) but i never got the full story, so i just stay away
  9. not a problem man. Welcome! We certainly will have to ride. No im not a member of motohios rat pack. Im not even a member of our local ratpack here(britrider.com) becuase they want you to sign a waiver to go for a ride on a public road, and I find that crazy!
  10. someones upset they didnt get a huge intro thread!
  11. i absolutly love an fz6. Ive ridden one a few times, and its just more fun than you should be legally allowed to have.
  12. i want to do it bad. I love touring, and seeing what I can see and who I can meet , and just being out there. Unfortuniley, Its going to be awhile before i can do a trip like that.
  13. GLWS sale... but boy its beat to shit!
  14. i really like 88 out through olglebay and into PA
  15. just used the materials the video says to use, go to the you tube link it will tell you. L brackets, spring, 1/4 inch aluminum rod, and two stops.
  16. I personally would say FZ6. Comfortable. light, easy on fuel. manueverable. and rock solid reliable.
  17. does the chick in your avatar come with it? GLWS!
  18. ^ where the hell did you come from with your good taste in motorcycles.. ive never seen you around here before..
  19. welcome! What a great area you have to ride, right outside your front door! I love that area.
  20. yes, I made a setup for mine like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDWQHdWudvE
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