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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. we met at speedway on 201. just cruised to yellow springs, and from there over to competition accessories, and then through sfield and took some backroads to troy and called it a day.
  2. anyone riding today?
  3. im suprised no ones mentioned bridgestone b21s. I have around 10k on the sprint, and I absolutley love them.
  4. welcome! how you doin? What kinda triumph do you have?
  5. congrats man! I bet thats an amazing feeling!
  6. i dont have a daytona, i have a sprint, but I absolutley love my triumph triple.
  7. Probably next week sometime. I've been to vandelia but I dont care for the rushed feeling I have due to a time limit. The outside range with unlimited time for 11 dollars sounds like the place to be for me!
  8. I sold my old cbr to a fellow in athens. Its a 96 f3. i plan on doing some riding down that way soon!
  9. I didn't care for vandalia, i couldn't put my finger on what I didn't like. It just seemed stressful. Wheres spring valley?
  10. my grandfather has one of those.I have never fired it but it seems like a nice gun.
  11. Has anyone been there? What kind of place is it? Decent? Rates seem great..
  12. dang fonz, Glad everyone is alright, and im glad everyone took the time to be up standing citizens and help out!
  13. whatchu talkin about willas?
  14. yes the size is a slight disadvatage for carry.
  15. blazer is what i have also. The salesmen said hehad has a customer make a complaint about an aluminum round jamming, but never a brass.
  16. I purchased one, I have yet to fire it. From reading , it appears to be picky about ammo.Have you had any jamming issues?
  17. anyone use a s&w sigma 9mm for ccw? What holster are you using?
  18. andy,buddy... your bike is so quiet the fan on my laptop is louder...
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