Got the bike running pretty well. I can't figure out 100% what each of the adjustable screws on the carb are adjusting, I have just messed and messed untill it was running decent. Does anyone know what exactly each screw is adjusting? I looked up the parts on bike bandit to see what they are called, and the smaller one is just called "pilot adjust screw" Whats the pilot? ..
I know one person whom has had it done, and she has to go back and get touch ups every so often, and I personally Don't like that idea, and really have no desire to risk it. Shes had it done for about 8 years now.
sounds like a sterotypical lost 18 year old kid, who doesnt know what to do with themselves. I am not much older but I will say, just be there for him. Let him go, and when he falls, just be there.