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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. mm riding naked... oh wait your bike. Okay. nevermind.
  2. I've seen them on a few cbrs, mounted up on the front kinda under the body work on the front fairing stay behind the gauges.
  3. What tunnel are we speaking of? Is this the around near xenia?
  4. heres my guess, but I can't say for sure http://www.ixil.com/HTML/indexIN.html
  5. I bet that thing is an absolutle blast to throw around on the track! Looks great!
  6. good pics! bummer on the fall, but glad everyones okay! Bike doesnt look too bad, is it?
  7. That is all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-O5IHVhWj0&a=tH-bDhdAYYY&playnext_from=ML
  8. anyone interested? If not ill toss it up on craigs. 20 bucks to an OR member!
  9. aw common you know you like to look at the ladies from time to time
  10. I liked the other paint better, but its still a neat bike! good luck with the sale!
  11. Like I said if you need a hand with anything don, Let me know.
  12. I hate hearng of young guys like this. I feel for him. I hope he pulls through.
  13. Dang D! Where you been brotha!? I thought you fell off the earth!
  14. very good looking bike! Now you must change your bike under your name! =)
  15. good stuff there. Really makes you take a step back and think about things. NOSOULJEFF's video was pretty good too!
  16. If your riding on the outskirts of troy, watch for gravel. We had to do alot of berm work in the recent days, and haven't had a time to get the broom out yet!
  17. I don't think RFM has much on that combo! =)
  18. since about this time last year. I didn't care to ride two up on the cbr, but having the triumph, I enjoy it much more, So we decided to get her a helmet that fit alittle better.
  19. What we have here is my girlfriends helmet, shes worn it twice, and decided it was too small. It was cheap when I bought it, and will continue to be cheap. Heres pics
  20. I'm not a very tall guy, and I looked at a B'king and it was just way too big for me. I am only about 5.7 and there was no way.
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