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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. i ordered one for gramps last week, and am awaiting delivery.
  2. One is the throttle stop and the other is the air screw. got it.
  3. The only carbs I have ever worked on were a car, other than a set of xs carbs.
  4. I got the idle issue taken care of awhile back, along with the fouling issue. It was an oil pump problem oil fouling the plug.
  5. this isnt my carb but its a barrowed picture, thanks mark bennett, whomever you maybe. http://markbennett1067.com/images/Carb1.JPG
  6. Got the bike running pretty well. I can't figure out 100% what each of the adjustable screws on the carb are adjusting, I have just messed and messed untill it was running decent. Does anyone know what exactly each screw is adjusting? I looked up the parts on bike bandit to see what they are called, and the smaller one is just called "pilot adjust screw" Whats the pilot? ..
  7. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/1643421119.html This is the Rs which is the sportier version of my sprint:D
  8. can't say i often ride with music, I enjoy the solitude of my thoughts and the growl of my lovely 3 cyl.
  9. I know one person whom has had it done, and she has to go back and get touch ups every so often, and I personally Don't like that idea, and really have no desire to risk it. Shes had it done for about 8 years now.
  10. ^so thats how he gets by! He does jack's shit!
  11. I wish it didnt have the crazy graphics.
  12. If that deal falls through give tyke a call http://www.tikescycleshop.com/servlet/StoreFront
  13. ^ agreed. Also agreed on the gun statement. I belive my head woulda been shoved so far up my ass , I would have never wanted to touch another firearm.
  14. sounds like a sterotypical lost 18 year old kid, who doesnt know what to do with themselves. I am not much older but I will say, just be there for him. Let him go, and when he falls, just be there.
  15. When you wanna ride? What'd you end up doing about your wheel man?
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