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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. go get the diamonds unmounted. keep them. Have the gold melted down. Hang onto the diamonds for somthing else.
  2. welcome! nice to have you. We have a few other fz6ers here!
  3. i want to ride holmes this summer bad.
  4. You know those little LED exhaust tips we used to make fun of on cars? Yea right there along the same level. LOL
  5. who the hell brings a lion to the races?
  6. If i messed with my girlfriends scrubs, she would mess with my work clothes 230923 times worse than anything i could do to her scrubs. LOL
  7. I rode to the gas station, filled my tank up, added some sta-bil and then rode 15 miles or so. It was nice. Just what the doctor ordered.
  8. Bump for a bullet proof truck!
  9. kenny, I think we can probably do it no problem, if you want to shorten it.
  10. I had that muffler on my CBR for two days. It was obnoxious. No one would ride behind me, and I lost a considerable amount power just on the seat of the pants dyno.
  11. I have been wondering about this lately myself for the triumph
  12. thats my buddy chris's bike. and my buddy zacks RR beside it. Thats hysterical that someone posted it. It is all flat black now. I believe that bike is a 2006, with just a touch over 7k on it. It was all spray paint that he taped off and painted. It started out as a nice clean blue f4i.
  13. so far, this thread has be rather entertaining for a sunday. I am tuning in for the day. =)
  14. My girlfriend was sitting at the opposite end of the couch as i was watching and she said" are you watching pron"!?
  15. hes a tiger, hes always on the prowl.. its natural instinct?
  16. I am about 8 miles one way from work, and its all in the country. When properly dressed its fine, but if i skimp and go without the carhart, its miserable. The deer have been pretty active around here in the mornings so I havent been communting
  17. I have been wondering this myself !
  18. I never said i could speel! LOL. But i can watch that show!
  19. Any one seen this show? I like it.
  20. I work for local government. Retirement is great. pay is good, benifits are good. I dont think I could find it the same anywhere else.
  21. I do. What he does in his personal life should not effect his professional life. If you cheated on your significant other, and got cought would you want to loose your job? I am not condoning what he has done or saying its alright by any means, but it should not effect his job.
  22. I really like Tennesee, but I don't belive I would care for the snow driving in the mountains. I think georgia would be nice, also. Its warm. its not far from good riding, but my jobs here. SO i am staying.
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