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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I am not assuming, as I have definitely spent time on two wheels offroad. just not near as much as I have four.
  2. weight loss isnt my main goal. Getting in better shape, having more enderance, having somthing to do this winter since I don't have any motorcycle or car projects going. Thought this might be nice to better myself.
  3. do it! We can get porter in on it too. We can all log the results and such, and maybe see in a given amount of time who has the best results.
  4. theres a cross fit here in troy. shits nuts!
  5. i agree, i have to eat extremely light. I have to be at work by 7. So i get up at 545 make my coffee, get dressed. and then leave by 630.So i am going to be running after work. Three days a week. On the days I am not running, when I get home i will be doing a series of sit ups and push ups, and maybe alittle rope jumping.
  6. So, is there any particular time that is better than another to run? I get up at 545 in the morning for work, so I don't think I am going to get up earlier than that to go for a run. Is afterwork okay?
  7. LOL i have never even flat footed any of my street bikes!
  8. I have thought about going the jump rope route as alittle warm up before my run.. Fonz my screen name comes from a truck i built a few years back. It was a black flat s10, with a v8 and red wheels and wide white walls. I wanted it to look like a modern 50s hot rod. All my other user names are oldschoolsdime also so it was just easier to make this one the same too! haha. I feel more prepared about getting into running and I am actually getting into it.
  9. yes I have ridden offroad before, I started riding quads when i was 6 or 7. Rode an old 250x, and then a blaster, and a 400 ex. All my offroad experiece have been on quads, but thats alright I suppose. I did call the guy on it. He jumped and wanted to order me one and cold have it in three days, and I looked at the dual sport version of the wr and left. I was not dealing with him.
  10. i didnt get screwed over the wrong info, I never even thought to look. I just assumed.
  11. fleet feet.. ill have to look that up. thanks!
  12. thanks for the good info fonz! I am only 23, and am pretty active but I havent done any sort of training or running or anything of that nature in a few years. I am 5.7-5.8 and about 185 lbs. At one point i was 180 lbs with 7% body fat, but that was my sophmore year in hs. I then progressed all the way up 220 lbs, and have managed to loose that weight just by cutting regular soda out of my diet.
  13. wonderful picture. I honestly didnt even think about it when i made the purchase on the audio outs. I just assumed rcas were standard.
  14. 47 inch lg,1080 120 hz. the only audio out it has is digital optical. I was sorta pissed when i realized.
  15. thats a great looking cr! Yes I need to get to saving! I just wanted to see what was popular, as I havent looked into them much, other than when I went to the yamaha dealership dead set on a wr250x, i called in advance to see if they had one, they said they did. I got there and they thought i said "cr450f" and attempted to sell me a used abused ragged out dirt bike.
  16. i bought a random RCA setup at walmart about an hour ago. Budget isnt the issue, I have always gone way overkill on my audio setups weather it be house or car or garage. I was happy just using my two technics three ways with a 15 in woofer in the bottem. My receiver is old. My new tv did not have rca audio outs. It only had a digital optical out for sound. Therefore I needed a different receiver.
  17. yea we will see. I would say its probably becuase I havent wogged a mile in forever and I havent even attempted to run a mile in say 5 years? I raced bmx for years. I put my bike back together and am going to start doing sprints again along with my jogging and get back into the swing of things, and hopefully be back on the race track soon.
  18. i love denon, but for the purpose i want this for, thats going to be overkill
  19. my knees are alittle sore this evening. I assume that will eventually go away over time.
  20. im waiting on an hdmi cable to come, then its on with the blu ray!
  21. ive gota do dinner with my parents in a bit. I probably won't make it.
  22. ive got a ps3 i use for blue ray. I have speakers that i already use, my reciever just does not have the digital audio in. I cant have anything too outragous because I live in a double. I don't want to deal with my neighbors!
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