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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. id be down. It will have to wait until i get back from vacation though. I leave friday.
  2. the switchs i was finding were 100 bucks. and quite frankly, i cant see spending 100 bucks on somthing im going to use maybe once or twice.
  3. id love to go, but this kill switch thing has me hung up. they state on to pass inspections you have to have a lanyard killswitch.
  4. i gota quit lookin at these pics. the ol f3s gona end up being a track bike
  5. i beg to differ on this statement. Maybe in the office world, but some of us weren't meant to sit behind a desk. I prefer working outside. Theres a ton of money to be made, but you have to go get it, its not going to come to you, and yes it is hard work, but I love it.
  6. yea he said his brother had a 1 or 2 year old and one on the way. it was real sad, and caught me off guard pretty good.never had anyone commend me for wearing gear.
  7. Buddy of mine and his girlfriend and I rode to dinner tonight. We went to jimmy johns on the ud campus, if you are firmiler with Dayton. Anyways. This guy kept staring at us. I came in in leather and had my helmet in my hand. Chris and his girlfriend had helmets in hand. Finely the guy said something to us. caught me way off guard. Thanked us for wearing gear. He said he had lost his brother 4 weeks earlier. He swerved to avoid hitting an animal, went in the ditch and hit a culvert. The only injury he sustained was a head injury. He wasn't wearing a helmet. The guy told us we made his day,and he paused and said hell we made his week. and thanked us again. this was a very sobering moment as to why i always ride with my gear, no matter what. If I am just going across town or across the state, or united states.
  8. hell yes there is! Although between yellow springs and Xenia one day I found a road that led to a bridge that said 3 ton. I thought "hmm thats a pretty low max weight" until i saw the bridge. It was nothing more than a few 2x4s side by side and gravel on each side...?
  9. i rode for about an hour. just cruised in town
  10. I was wondering if there is any sort of hack or addon for the tom tom 125 that would allow a voltage to display on the screen showing how many volts are running to the gps unit. I run a volt meter on my bike, and if I could get this to work through the tom tom, it would sure clear up alot of clutter in my gauge area.
  11. ron, buddy ol pal... were you drunk posting again?
  12. awesome. Do you live in the lefever area?
  13. ive got one, but im in troy which is alittle north of dayton...
  14. ill ride with anyone. im free if anyone wants to ride. just remember im comin from troy so it may take me a few to get there!
  15. im down to go, but i wont have any cash by the 7th as im leaving for gatlinberg the 8th
  16. i believe he was unappreciative in fonz's response.
  17. I would definitely like to go ride with everyone but I wont have the cash by the 7th because i am leaving to go on vacation to Gatlinburg the 8th
  18. glad to hear your doing okay, I didn't find this thread until just about 10 minutes ago. stay positive, if you need anything let me know!
  19. just shy of 5k and will hit that here in about an hour
  20. i gota 160 that you can have if it would work enough to get you by?
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