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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. This is what I'm after. I just don't know what's what. I have an adjuster on the remote resivore, one on the bottem near the dog bone and then the adjuster on top of the spring.
  2. that's what I'm thinking too, i guess I should have rephrased my question, what do I need to adjust ? I've never made any suspension adjustments. It was set up, and I have never touched it.
  3. I tried that a few years back. She doesn't have any interest in her own bike. I really need to play with ny rear suspension. Traxxion dynamics set it up for 175, and its beyond soft with the two of us.
  4. Granda080 and my fiance and I were relaxing last night and got to talking about riding two up.My fiance has expressed a lot of interest in some two up touring. I have a Penske adjustable rear shock. What should I adjust? It's real soft when the two of us are on the bike. I also came across this on another forum.. http://www.chuckhawks.com/motorcycle_passenger_tips.htm Does anyone have anything else to add?
  5. I've commuted to work, but have not done any other riding than that. Said road snob disease got me as well
  6. I know some of you ride 10/22 , but what's a good route? This Tennessee adventure currupted my mind, and there isn't much around my area.
  7. white_scorpion also found a rattler. I'm glad I didn't come across any of that nonsense! I would have peed in my leathers!
  8. I enjoy the gap for what it is. While its not my style of riding, It was still fun. I rode it twice on thursday. Once about 330, a second time about 630 ish. The second time the place was empty. It was amazing. The road was in great shape, and I loved it.
  9. Thanks jagr! It was good to meet you, and everyone else from the o.r group! I'd like to see the zx14 incident! That's nuts!
  10. more break time after a water, a granola bar, we were off again on our adventure! on up the road we found this very cool little waterfall. Brides Veil falls, Highlands,NC. We decided it was lunch time, before we headed back to 28 and found a neat little cafe' Savannah Street Cafe. We rode 28 back, and hit War woman road, which was great for about 6 or 7 miles, and then it flattened out. We jumped back over to 28, which was just as beautiful a second time. We cruised back to Fontana, and stopped down at the deals gap store and looked around a bit. We planned to eat dinner at the Deals gap place, but they were closed so we headed into Fontana, and ate an awesome pizza at the wildwood grill We loaded the bikes up on the trailer after we ate, and we had a few beers and relaxed. We didn't make it to the bonfire saturday night. We had a bunch of wood to burn, and just relaxed in front of the fire, and talked about the last few days. We slayed the dragon, in the rain, with the bikes on the trailer. This was an amazing trip. I learned more in the last three days of riding, than in the last 5 years. I have come to the conclusion, I want to do a track day. We met lots of very nice people.I hope this is going to become a yearly adventure for us.
  11. Granda080 and I arrived thursday afternoon, about 1 pm. We set camp up, and unloaded the bikes, and decided it was time to go ride! We took off down 28, and headed toward the dragon. I wanted to get our dragon passes out of the way, so we weren't trying to ride it on the weekend. here was our view from camp We headed up the dragon, and got stuck behind a van. We stopped to check out the view fellow ohio riders members granda080 taking it all in. My fz1, granda's fz6, and fellow O.R members bikes after we hit the dragon, we headed over to the foothills parkway- what a blast! after our dragon passes we stopped back up at the lodge, and I snapped this picture of the mountain range. We called it a night, and had a few beers, and a fire and relaxed. I also met a few other members(packer82, and a few members of the fz1 forum). The next day we headed out to the Cherohola Skyway. What a beautiful ride! after we rode Cherohola, I had gotten word from a few folks that there was an awesome bbq place in Tellico. I have to agree, this is the best bbq I have ever had. After we ate I was pretty well exhausted from not sleeping real well the night before. We hopped on the cherry cola skyway, and headed back. When we arrived back we decided to grab a shot of the camp ground from the top of the dam We went back to our camp site, and headed up to the general store, and bashed on some ice cream, and met up with likwid, issacspapa,bad324,and chatted for awhile. On Saturday, we decided we were going to Hit up Georgia, and South Carolina. So we decided to ride 28. I was initially bummed it was just one road, but good god. Beautifully amazing around every corner. This road had it all. Tight and technical, sweepers, scenery. Break time
  12. Police and cars/trucks. Ride 28 south as far as you want. It's beautiful the whole way.
  13. Granda080 and I did that! Hit warwomen on the way back and then jumped back on 28. Beautiful roads .
  14. Eh I have to disagree. It worked out great. A map of some good routes would have been nice, but we just explored and had a blast.
  15. Sitting at the general store, mooching electric to charge my phone
  16. I'll be curious to see how that windscreen does. I put a tall givi on the fz and it made the wind noise terriable.
  17. Thanks Granda! He let me use the same set a few weeks back and I fell in love!
  18. I'm interested in the blue set. Pmed
  19. I've been trying to figure out the route I am going to take as well. The link you provided is using the detour I was going to take roughly, and I would prefer to stay out of a bunch of crap.
  20. if you get over toward metamora indiana, theres some decent twisties.
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