Heres my dilemma, The Fz1 came with a really cool leo vince high mount. I occasionally ride two up, and would like to run luggage. The high mount doesn't allow any of this. I contacted Leo and they no longer produce exhaust for my bike. So, I have an excellent sounding muffler, and no mid pipe. I've attempted to trade the entire exhaust via fz1forum and yamahafz1oa, with no luck. So heres where I am Option 1 I have talked to an exhaust shop and they are more than willing to make me up a pipe for really cheap, but I will loose the spring connector from the muffler to the midpipe, and there is also a stop on the exhaust for my center stand, to keep it from hitting my rear set. option 2 I have pondered cutting the mid pipe off my stock exhaust and making it work with the leo muffler, problem is, I'm out stock exhaust if I were to need it. option 3 You guys fill in the blank on your thoughts.