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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. I am teaching a CCW class on the 11th
  2. I said I wish you luck. Seriously $100 cash tomorrow for the 22 ammo
  3. Wtf is a feller post? Only for sale to the fellers or what?
  4. You won't get 2400 for that. I wish you luck with the sale though. When you find that you will not get it and consider separating I will give you $100 for the 22lr ammo.
  5. What I hear of happening a lot is hot headed douchebags with an Internet forum law degree arguing when asked to either leave or take their firearm to the car. It's always the same argument too "I can legally carry this gun, I'm not leaving" well maybe you are legal, but once asked to leave and you refuse..... well then you get into trespassing, menancing, inciting a panic ect. If asked to leave, pay your bill and leave.
  6. Was he asked to leave by management and then refused to do so? I'm betting he has not told you the whole story.
  7. We have not heard from the Train Driver either and he did make her an offer
  8. I want to. But I'm teaching a class
  9. everybody knows you have a sweet spot for me don't lie. There are witnesses. I really am nice most the time Ms kitty cat girl.
  10. Yep. I'll text you his number in a few
  11. I love pasta, in before the ban hammer
  12. I like you, you're spunky and insightful. Rep for you.
  13. I'm a fair weather rider and proud of it. I've even trailered to the start point of group rides. Hell I trailered to Dyno Day last year what now? I got nothin to prove
  14. Quoted just because I'm sure this will get used again And yes, Mr.JellyBean is pretty ghey for any guy over 3
  15. If that butthurt him it's gonna feel like an all out rape when I meet her
  16. I'm not a cheap whore sorry
  17. Dori looked at the last one they sent out with the clothing in it and said "why do they want all their Instructors to look like Jack Hanna?"
  18. Just wait till your Instructor stuff gets processed and validated. When that card shows up so does the barrage of emails to buy clothing and training aids and books ect. I get at least one email a day and something in the mail weekly. Gets old.
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