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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. You're welcome, thanks for coming up
  2. MidgetTodd

    2013 gap trip

    If you have to ask and stuff up front you probably don't want to go
  3. MidgetTodd

    2013 gap trip

    We trailer down, we as in the cool kids. You know the ones that bring the lesbians and midgets and make porn and other crazy shit whist drinking and setting stuff on fire. We even find a couple hours to ride some time during the four days. And if you're really lucky I'll do a couple epic wheelies and a sweet low side.
  4. Have to wait till Monday for that, it takes phone calls on ammo now due to next to none on hand at vendors
  5. Have that covered with a Magpul forend and an Urbino stock, completely bad ass. Come in and I'll show you. I'm here till 7 tonight
  6. Well why the fuck didn't you buy tickets to an Obama rally?
  7. Don't judge, smurfett and Kim Possible are ducking hot
  8. It says after thanksgiving not after Black Friday. Re read
  9. Millie Vanillie could rock it, those two could really sing. You could look at them and say "how could those voices come out of those two"
  10. Already at home in my boxers with Tequila watching SOA and Walking Dead DVR episodes and not working again till atleast Monday. I win, Bite Me
  11. Trick her into consenting, that's what we do
  12. It's HIPPA and not illegal if you don't include her name as a caption or description and there's no signs in the pict indicating the doctors office name
  13. I don't get many tickets, but when I do.......I get em like a BOSS and there is no need to show up and fight em because they're not going away
  14. Shoulda ran, you deff coulda got away and saved $120 by dropping 1.87$
  15. We have that covered. See ya Saturday
  16. I will be there 10-7 on Saturday and we have we have several for her to choose from
  17. Not with Nite Sites. 549-569 is avg retail for a standard Glock and one with nite Sites adds 75-90 depending on dealer
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