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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Seriously though. I sign up everybody that pisses me off for those and hair club for men emails. Her lately I've included feminine dryness sites too. I spent days on Woodbury emails alone
  2. Worked for me, Tripod Todd.
  3. Now back to the sketti eatin contest damnit!
  4. Furthers my statement, Justin was the reputation at IM, Justin will not be replaced there.
  5. WTF? News flash, never seen a gunstore owner or employee not armed or at very least well aware of which guns are loaded and ready. Dipshits
  6. No, I don't think I work there again till the NASA race.
  7. I challenge you at all aspects of spaghetti consumption.
  8. No medical at MidOhio is their "own". MidOhio has no directly employed medical staff. We are paid thru contract. Air is paid thru MedFlight, Ground is paid thru We Care Inc "dba Critical Life", Dr and RN for high profile events are paid cash on a 1099.
  9. Why are we splitting hairs over this. He asked what it ment and he got an answer. Its not my waiver. Nobody is arguing if it will hold in court or anything else. He asked what it ment.
  10. Not avoiding accountability ... avoiding frivolous lawsuits
  11. Scenery has never been a problem at trackdays.... always nice looking ladies in bikini tops
  12. That is not out of the norm in a lawsuit happy world. As I am not their lawyer I cannot tell you the specific reason for that but what I will tell you is this..... people like to sue, people like to armchair quarter back everybody else's move. Sometimes heat of the moment decisions need made and my crew and myself don't have the luxury of time to discuss a plan or go locate a different extraction tool ect... Accidents are not planned and are never the same and a child cannot communicate with me in a traumatic situation as an adult could nor can they voice to me their injuries accurately like an adult may so in the event they are trapped, pinned in, whatever and I have to make a split second decision based on what I can readily see to save their life I'm going to do what I feel needs done. There have been cases where this has happened and as a result an injury was compounded or an additional injury was caused... but he's ALIVE. So basically its there to try and stop you from trying to sue because I pulled juniors arm out of socket in the process of keeping him from burning to death or I fracture a couple ribs because I gave the best CPR I could to bring him back from a trauma arrest. If you would like to nit pick it and not sign, that is fine and we won't even notice you're not there. If you choose to sign it however...... I will do everything I possibly can to make sure you hug your son another Christmas morning, just don't sue me for making sure he sees another birthday. Don't wanna sound like a dick but yes I've been to court once for an ungrateful bastard that stood and did not think we did enough.
  13. Duc rx has not Woodbury'd me yet.
  14. Their following here, IMHO, was due to Justin's leadership and his reputation. Justin is no longer there. I've not met his replacement but I am confident he will not be able to fill the void Justin left. Hope you get your situation resolved and if it is resolved hopefully you will man up and post here that they made it right by you. However there is always 2 sides to every story.
  15. Well, as I was saying. There's more to the story. I'm also betting that's not all.
  16. Lol Im not paranoid ... I'm just looking for a legitimate reason to shoot some douche
  17. I'm not presuming guilt or innocence, I don't really care which he is. I'm just saying there's more to that. Even your paranoid ass doesn't carry that much to a movie. If I feared for my safety that much going to the movie, I just wouldn't go. Then there was also enough going on that the court ordered a search warrant for his house...... there's more to the story.
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