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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. 400 garunteed at noon today vs hoping he shows up tomorrow .... lets face it, your luck isnt the greatest with people showing up and following thru.
  2. Glock 19 is a better choice. That being said I'll give you 400 cash today and let you handle my Glock to change your silly mind on the MP
  3. Always time to hit street signs
  4. Agreed, but I don't buy separate uppers and change out either. I have a lower for every caliber upper. And didn't say he should sell and get another one and still only have one. I think he should spend some of that cash and buy a 26 to compliment the 23
  5. Still only have one gun. I don't like this option, many do it though.
  6. LBTS GLWS. Not calling dibs though. I don't deal in guns with Mexicans, this isnt Fast and Furious v2.0
  7. I wonder if that was a bad neighborhood they were in?
  8. That's a threat... infraction time!
  9. To add to Flounder .. I work the city Medic as most know. I have treated many gun shot vics, the 22 is always yes ALWAYS the worst. It goes in and bounces around making Swiss cheese out of your insides. 9 45 usually are thru and thru with little internal damage. I'd rather be shot with a 9 than a 22
  10. That would end badly sooner or later
  11. Arguing guns and ammo ballistics with Flounder is like having a dick measuring contest with a horse
  12. Gotta pay to play. That's pretty cheap compared to other similar things out there, you must not do this much. That's a fraction of the cost of some places.
  13. Never debate in gun purchases, if its available jump on it. Resale later is very easy and almost always profitable. In 20 years of buying and selling guns I have never lost money on a gun or gun part.
  14. Why would you come to a gun website and ask about bikes?
  15. Only the cool kids do it at work lol. Used the Frog Lube on it. Its been getting good reviews so I figured I'd try a bottle, this is the first gun I used it on.
  16. What I did in guns today is something I've not done for years... stripped and cleaned the AK. Better yet..... at work on the clock on my desk. There will be no problems at work today.
  17. Kids wont be interested in that. They want Disney. And those would require driving with all of them in the car, not good for my sanity
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