4 black males attempting to car jack me on my birthday as we got into my car in her grandmother's driveway to go birthday dinner with my parents. That story has been discussed in detail on here several times. I have a feeling you didn't see it because there was nothing to argue your views on....... other than it was my fault for driving a nice car.
Well, I have 3 bullet holes in me and one bullet still in my body because it was more risky to remove than to leave in. My now Ex has 1 bullet hole in her. We are both still alive today because I carry and didn't think twice about unloading on them. I don't call that paranoid, I prefer the term prepared
Thats why there's only 3 people left at work that like being my partner. I never wait for the other units when going on domestic and od calls. Pussies, I don't care anymore so we are called the Honeybadger unit.
Its not my fault, the world and my job turned me evil. I used to be a kind quiet soul, now I get paid to shove needles in people and use that money to amass an epic gun collection. I'm pretty sure I'm on a watch list somewhere too