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Posts posted by 330racing

  1. One thing for sure I have never seen such a bunch of policy, religion, gun rights and government talk. I was told when I was small not to talk about such things beacuse it will cause fights and problems. So unless you want to see all sides of a topic what ever it might be dont start the topic in the first place. Mabe you guys should find a debate fourm sense you guys like to do that so much.

    You are aware you are posting in the "off topic" "time wasters" section right?

  2. If you are riding solo and flying thru the straights only to grab a fistful of brake at the curve you are going to crash period.

    Todd....can you elaborate on this? I am 100% not trying to be a dbag here and always looking to gain other riders insight even after riding for 15 years. I have been riding a long time, and while Im far from an expert, I am not a squid either. I love the feeling of power from a big bore bike, and I sure as hell cant go FT in a turn :). Are you just saying your skills should be enough that you arent hammering the bike only to tiptoe through a curve?

    Glad you are OK Gunner. Sounds like it could have been alot worse!

  3. these 2 comments alone make your noob-ness stand out like a sore thumb. 99.9% of the time none of this shit happens no matter how crazy threads get. So sitting back and dismounting from Magz nuts would be an excellent course of action

    That said, most of Magz spewing on the board about guns and politics I think is foolish and naive. The Chris Kyle thing absolutely made me wanna punch him in the throat. But at the end of the day its the fucking internet and I just really don't give a shit and most people are wrong in my eyes anyhow. I show no love, but I won't waste time hating unless it amuses me in an ongoing thread so call me indifferent

    But how do you really feel Brian,?

  4. I agree about the guns and politics, so what if he has a difference of opinion. I do as well, especially on politics. I now stay out of those sections, but meh to each his own. I've repped him quite a few times. Also, if you don't know him personally why talk shit? Kind of uncalled for. Minus rep for you.

    Really? Did you read my actual posts? Minus rep....this is terrible. :cry:

    In fact, almost no one is talking any shit. So I guess my question is answered...he's not such a bad guy after all...to most on here anyway. I asked because it seems many threads I read, he posts an opinion which purposely starts trouble and someone inevitable tells him to "fuck off" or the like. Just wondered what both sides of the story was (haters and non-haters).

  5. I gave him positive rep' date=' just yesterday. What about it? How many "I hate Magz" threads does this forum really need, anyway?[/quote']

    I don't hate the guy....don't even know him. You can rep whoever you want. I was just curious why all the hate and was it always that way. Also...how many "I hate magz" threads are there? I didn't search but don't remember seeing one specifically professing hate for him.

  6. I personally think someone is whacky when I read a thread where they want to build a personal aircraft, have no flying lessons, and from pictures I've seen, has the building/fabricating skills of a....nevermind. That doesn't necessarily make him a bad guy though.

  7. I don't know Magley, but it seems like he annoys.....well....just about everyone. Where did he get rep points from? Can you rep yourself?? Was there a time more OR members respected him more?

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  8. My g21 has held up perfectly.

    For those saying "over priced"...as compared to what?. Glocks cost what they cost because of the reputation they have built. I see them as costing less than most except kel-Tec, hipoint....etc

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