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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. Found this as a decent read for people like me that know just enough to be dangerous. http://www.sportrider.com/tech/146_0006_susp_trouble/index.html
  2. Soften the compression will help provided you have somewhat set the sag for your weight.
  3. As for the slower part, that is why we were looking at Jinu's old honda, I'm sure it's not putting out the power it use to.
  4. If a team or two forms out of this, you and your love slave r1 could help pit to get a feel for how it goes down.
  5. Only bad thing is that you would be in the heavy weight class. There were none the first round.
  6. Dude, I'm in. We could always keep it at my place as I could tell Angie it's yours still.
  7. Oh it was, we just told him it was the helmet.
  8. You didn't run Sunday, man I really should pay more attention.
  9. More bikes on grid to keep gp alive.
  10. Check is in the mail, make sure to check out the part on the check for what the check was for.
  11. We did have a gay hug later. He came over and thought that his talke made me not run the second sprint which I didn't sign up for. I think he was having a bad day and needed to vent, he's a good guy and I have never had problems with him before.
  12. This explains what was wrong with the weekend, there can't be more than 2 of you in a group. Brian, you are right, I was right behind the one on sat and sun. Sunday I do remember seeing his hand somewhat make it up but as I passed it went down. Other than riding like shit all weekend and pissing someone off in the first 600 sprint (just find it funny when someone can't pass you they say you are all over the place, anyone that has been on track with me knows how I ride) it was a good weekend.
  13. I'm sure there are, if not she can use the guys. Lol
  14. Yes I can, probably be around $20. Pm me your address and I can get a quote for you Monday.
  15. Ok, where is the quickzx running from the chopper pic when you need it.
  16. Cool deal, a few of us are running tonight so we will be there.
  17. 600Juice, if you wouldn't mide could I get your last name, either here or pm. Todd said he talked to 2 people named Josh and he thinks he may have messed up the info. He just want's to make sure your in the correct group.
  18. That's ok, we know your always late to the party.
  19. If you need help, we can help with the women for ya.
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