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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. Nice, I love the bar mount. I use the hell out of it.
  2. The HD ones use a battery pack that is good for about 2.5 hours. You could either purchase extra battery packs or do like 4DAIVI PAI2K5 said. You would most likely have to put a hole in the side of the case for that though.
  3. No but the case pops open in about 2 seconds.
  4. I'm feeling kind of sick, hope I can make it.
  5. Did you click on the performance track riding or the 2 day performance track riding? http://www.midohio.com/Store/School-Courses/Motorcycle-Riding-Courses/Performance-Track-Riding
  6. I think that's when I'm going.
  7. We must get Jinu to go. I have to witness the amazing spectacel of him passing out cash.
  8. I love how they call it the invisible holster, I'm almost positive I would notice a bulge in a womans pants.
  9. Sounds like I need to take a cabela's trip with Adam.
  10. MidO, they host all of the events there.
  11. Danm, still closer for me to go to WV.
  12. I need to add PA as I go there 3-4 times a year. If I can make it I will go.
  13. I'm still laughing that you had a del sol.
  14. Please read F(1)(a) under that orc. It states a license can be used as proof of taking the class. I'm on my phone otherwise I would paste it in here.
  15. Thanks Kevin, I was trying to find the code for it.
  16. It's good for like 3-4 years, I can't find my booklet right now.
  17. You can just use your existing license for renewal.
  18. ^good tips, I didn't get a chance to post back up on this.
  19. Only problem I have found with the t-rex ones is the front tire is hard to remove unless you use the front stand upside down (the part that goes under the forks). They may have fixed this as the ones I used were older. I used handy stands for a long time, still use the rear and they were good but flimsy. I picked up some pitbulls now and will never go back but they are out of the price range for mose that just want to change tires. For tire changes the ones you posted are probably fine.
  20. Yea, this sucks. I may need to pit next to steve and give him gas for his fancy new geny. I keep debating on getting a heater and every year I freeze my ass off.
  21. Man I talk to you a few time last semester and now you want a gun. I do hate keeping mine in the car on campus. Wow, there is something you never hear a woman bitch about.
  22. Bypass the fuse, wait for smoke and that's where your problem is.
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