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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. Go with what works where you need it. That's what I did.
  2. If it was someone that is qualified to do so would be one thing. A personal trainer isn't. Epically to tell someone that they can't achieve there goals.
  3. Not sure where you got that. Never gave any advice on diet.
  4. I never said he suggested the surgery.
  5. The fact that it's shitty advise from someone that isn't qualified to make that assessment is enough information.
  6. Personally, her personal trainer is an idiot and not qualified to make that statement.
  7. Also Ron, if there was an EPA assessment that would have been done before the sale not after. That being said if there was one it must not have been bad.
  8. I don't know that you can finance buying the company that owns Nelsons (I'm sure you can but the company really has nothing so unless he put up his house or something it would be tough). The property was never sold but the company that owned it was.
  9. The property is still under the same name of ownership but that company now has a new owner. This may also be another loophole. In anything we have done with the EPA if they sell it to another company they have never had to reevaluate.
  10. It's hard to compare the two, one is already existing and can continue to do so. Now if they remove say the tires, they can't just bring them back as that would violate the EPA but keeping them where they are is fine since they are already there.
  11. Funny the one I use 90% of the time isn't on that list.
  12. Top tier gas? Mine gets whatever 87 octane is near when I need gas.
  13. I will be in cbus that Friday for my state exam. Maybe I can hit this up.
  14. They better know how to stunt
  15. I drove yours no differently than mine minus the last hour to 45 min of our trip as I couldn't remember when the gate closed.
  16. Well it's already been purchased, this is no rumor. As for fixing it up, who knows until it's done if it happens at all.
  17. I must have got a good one, I average 20-22 still after 55K.
  18. Every track does and yes you can hit them.
  19. I think you missed where you have to be a supporter to see it.
  20. I thought Chuck has done some.
  21. This is about where I'm at. I started mid January at 192 and I'm currently at 185. My goal is 165 but I don't expect to hit that until next year, maybe sooner if the weather is nice this summer and I can ride my bike to work.
  22. This has mostly been me. I have started eating a ton of carbs so that I can have energy to run and ride.
  23. If you plan on running or biking I really can't see any reason to cut carbs. You will just kill your exercise.
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