I think you are taking about this one and I think he had an issue other than thinking that Yamaha should buy his back for some dumb reason. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/108983-need-to-find-a-yamaha-master-tech/#entry1472837
Sad but northcentral has been circling the drain for the last few years. If all goes as plans I may actually make it out more than once this year. I don't see racing happening but I may try for a weekend.
I don't notice any extra kick with the 40 Now the 45 does. Plus with steel plates it fun to watch them swing farther with the 40. 9, 40, 45 will all get the job done just pick one you can shoot accurately and fast.
I love my shield. Ohio armory in Strasburg sells them for $350. I have mine in 40 as that's what all my reloading was set up for. Get whatever caliber you want, the 9 and 40 don't really shoot any different.