I loved my 2 days at csb. I did approach it differently though. Knowing that it would be a mix of levels I backed off and focused on the drills. Apparently I backed off to much as my coach yelled at me for going to slow and that he needed to see me at a min of 70% not the 50% that I was at. We picked up the pace and continued on the drills. One thing I can't emphasis enough is that you must walk in with an open mind and the willingness to learn. Just remember, even when Nicky did the school years ago, he started at level one. This doesn't mean you have to do 35 mph but they want you at 75-80% of your max so that you can practice at speed. As for getting that type of learning at a trackday and advancing like that, not a chance. You will but I guarantee you will waste way more money. I have actual tried to incorporate what I have learned into my coaching. It works ok, most don't really want to listen, those who have are now quicker than the ones who haven't. If you ever have the cash please go to one. I did mine at VIR on my own bike to save done cash, so there is that option as well. That being said my next one will be at either willow springs or Laguna. Izapp, try to remember the drills and work on them next time out at a local track, I think you will be stunned with the results. If you don't mind me asking, who did you have for a coach?