I can't sell either one of the bikes, they aren't titled under me. (well I can sell them but I wouldn't be the one getting the cash) I don't have any toys to really give away myself, so it's all down to basic necessities, I've already cut the cable out and I just have internet, rent, electric, gas, and food. I'm trying to cut back on food but I'm just really bad at that, nonetheless I'm still trying. Skills...umm...I've worked a lot in Customer Service type fields, I used to work at the Magic Mountain at Polaris and basically moved up from one of those redemption kids to becoming a pit chief and running the go karts. I worked at a liquor store for a short while as a cashier. I worked as an Usher at the Schottenstein center for a period and finally I worked as a Java Consultant for the Computer Science and Engineering department at OSU. Most of the jobs I have held have been seasonal, except the OSU one. Right now I am looking for anything, full time or part time and I plan on working for at least the next 6 months so not really seasonal. I've worked in teams, I'm nice, friendly, I get shit done, and I treat a job like what it is, a job, not a place to dick around, unless of course I am aloud to dick around...I'm just saying I take work seriously but not too seriously, if that makes any sense... Can't really think of anything else to put down, if anyone wants to check out my resume, I can put that up too.