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hue jass

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Everything posted by hue jass

  1. Is that an actual sticker you can get?
  2. Good times tonight. The best at Hoots. Where was the ride to?
  3. Huge wave, rider! I actually like Harley. Anything with a large displacement twin is definitely an unforgettable experience.
  4. It's gotta come with a CD or something you could actually play. Doesn't it?
  5. It's a coating that protects the bike!
  6. Yea, get on that Hoblick Deal's Gap ride! Cheap vacation - only $100!
  7. Just relax and ride. You'll feel the extra weight and adjust properly. There's some cool video on YouTube showing just what can be done with a passenger at Deal's Gap. You're just going to ride real easy. No jerky's.
  8. He'll corner faster than ever now! Cruise was one of the lucky bastards to get a Desmo
  9. hue jass

    deals gap 8/28

    Who's in? First rate place to stay with covered parking at Deal's Gap, ride down and back with five friends, out Friday morning, in Sunday, ride Deal's Gap!!! All this for one hundred measly bucks!
  10. Yamaha R1. Pick one up at Iron Pony next time you're there! By the way, the bike doesn't look bad at all. It's too bad they don't heal like us.
  11. I hope he gets into the booth...if he doesn't race.
  12. Unbelievable! Now, three American hikers accidentally crossed the border into Iran and are held by the military. This just happened yesterday.
  13. If only the kill switch did what it said.
  14. MAN! Unbelievable! I just sat on that bike a week ago. Recon should'a taken it for that spin around the lot you offered! I didn't even know. I missed you at Hoots and they told me. Get well fast!
  15. Good turn out and most leave pretty early. It was good to finally talk to Jagr and meet some new riders. Keep coming out there. Friday weather's been perfect.
  16. I'll be there. But I have to ride a bit first.
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