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hue jass

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Everything posted by hue jass

  1. they're just dying to start something. I only hope they can be kept from having the means.
  2. hue jass

    Pimp My Ride

    What do you think happens to the cars on Pimp My Ride? I mean, the guys car is total piece of junk and he lives in the worst part of town. His car probably started out nice and turned into that a few months later. They don't have garages. I say it all gets ripped off unless they take the cash value instead. You don't just end up with a pimped out ride, you also get a tax bill.
  3. hue jass


    If only the camera had stayed on him for the impact!
  4. Those figures are high! I hear about guys saying run 40 F/R. Way too high. 36 is great. You have to figure, your car tires start at 32 and heat up to about 36 or 7. Bike tires, if started at 36 get to about 38 or 39 hot.
  5. I thought Apple was immune.
  6. OMG!!!!! I'm gluing the dial stuck to Speed Channel.
  7. I gotta say, when I read that I got a chubby for a Harley. He loves his bike and that's where it's at. He wasn't too harsh on the Eastern Cruisers - compared to some of the things they say about his bike.
  8. Radar shows clearing. Pavement drying. I'd say it's on.
  9. hue jass

    No caption

    From the album: Race Day

  10. hue jass

    the race is on

    From the album: Race Day

  11. hue jass


    From the album: Race Day

  12. hue jass

    hang time

    From the album: Race Day

  13. hue jass


    From the album: Bike Nights & Rides

  14. I remember it...he kept saying, "say it again...say it again.", then Rome said it again and he got popped.
  15. It's getting really, really bad. That kind of timing is mind-blowing! RIP
  16. Browse a CBR forum or two to find out all things about it. Congrats and see you out!
  17. That's prolly best. Thing is, if it's a great jacket, sizes may run low and the larger ones are first to go. I found my A Stars TZ-1 at IP, found my right size and ordered it from Revzilla for $199 shipped. Everyone else was $289, and that was discounted. Soon after, no one had any of the bigger sizes. The good stuff goes fast.
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