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hue jass

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Everything posted by hue jass

  1. Nice wide, flat seat. Perfect! Most comfortable. You're not locked in like the bedpan seats.
  2. It's too bad you don't have a huge motorcycle superstore up there because it really helps to try these things on. Buying online is great until you have to exchange or return something. I would say hold off until you're down here next time and hit IP. Or, find someone on the forum that's your exact size down here in Cols.
  3. They just don't have good site software. Motorcycle Superstore has one of the best I've seen and tons of reviews on everything.
  4. Did the guy actually get all the way home?!
  5. I had a great time there. I was the last one out of the lot. Glad I wore the leather for the way home. Smaller event than QSL, it was better. Some great bikes to look at. I liked the band but no one else did. I saw the fat guy on the long Harley pop two tiny wheelies with his girl on the back. I think they almost spit up their wings. It was great meeting everyone and I think we all had a great time. Looks like Wednesdays are all rain so Friday at Hoots is it!
  6. "It's Ok sir, he was just a motorcyclist." RIP and prayers to the family.
  7. Awesome story to tell your grandkids when they decide to ride! Glad your OK. Your body's OK but your mind is still going a million miles an hour processing everything. You'll come out of this a much better rider. Hope to see you soon. Get back on as soon as you get those parts on!
  8. I've got a pair of the Vega Nitro Touring's. $60 and happy as hell with 'em.
  9. Don't worry about becoming a squid, you're already there. Just messin' Welcome!
  10. I agree completely. I don't feel safe if I'm not in an athletic position on a bike. It feels like leaning back on skis.
  11. Well you're experiencing the unique opportunity to ride one state of the art machine! Enjoy!!
  12. My God...OK, I'm out the door.
  13. Have her and her insurance pay for absolutely everything that was damaged. And, sorry about your foot!
  14. I'll plan on being there at 7 sharp. Shopping Center on the SW corner of Roberts Rd and Hilliard-Rome
  15. At Roberts and Hilliard-Rome there's a center on the SW corner. How 'bout there?
  16. Hey Street! I don't know, somewhere off Roberts Rd.
  17. Who wants to meet somewhere to go to Hilliard Hoots? I'll watch for a while. I'm thinking somewhere close to the event before we pull in.
  18. I'm jonesin' fer a meet n' greet! I live just down the street from this place. I'll try to be there on the early side. Looking forward to it.
  19. Guy ticketed for going too slow! CLICK HERE
  20. I'm there...if we ever actually get a summer!
  21. Strong T storms in the forcast. If it's nice at 6:45, i'm there.
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