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Posts posted by jimmyc

  1. scott,

    was there in beallsville yesterday (twice) dont remember see the diner, is it on 145,,556 ?

    yesterday did 7s to Powhattan Point

    148 to 145s to 556 back to 7s

    536 to 78 back to 7s

    255 to 800n to 78w-145n

    (stopped for gas in beallsville, the kid at the gas station pointed across the street and said " that road has some good tuns on it " he was pointing at 556, I laughed, mostly at myself , and said " oh , I was already on that today.")

    To 148 to 9n to 70w to 331n to 519 ( another nice twisty)

    250s to 150 to 152 to 151 to 7n to 22e and home.

    350 miles , 9hrs total

    This is one of the reasons i'm on here. now if I can only meet up with some of ya guys.........

  2. this is what i tell them;

    shutup, sit down, and hold on......

    now seriously; i think the best advise , besides what was said before, i'm alwasys COMPLETELY ready to go

    ( helmet, glasses, gloves etc.) and on bike before she gets on, and make them stepup onto the peg and then swing their leg over.

  3. 1997 TL1000S 1st gen.


    47000+ miles ( update 8/30 50,000 miles)

    (bought this year march 25th with app. 43*** miles)

    D&D bolt-ons


    Zero Gravity Double bubble smoked windscreen

    Buell frt pegs, YES BUELL, has 1" drop....

    OEM solo seat hump

    OEM black tank protector

    battlax BT021( gone )

    (new) pirelli diablo strada

    oh , and did I fail to mention doubles as a Sport-TOURER...lol

  4. Would you rather I resurrected some 2 year old thread with outdated info? :)

    I ended up going with the Bridgestone BT-016's. Got a decent deal on them, 230 for the set. Don't worry IP, I'll post another thread asking for mounting... :)


    didnt see the thread for MOUNTING :confused:

    just kiddin....

  5. Depends on what you want for performance/wear.

    I'm a Bridgestone guy, and have tried most of their Sport and Sport Touring tires from the last few years.

    The BT-002 Racing Street tires I had on my RR were phenominal. Literally never put a foot wrong in all the time I had the RR, but the wear life wasn't so great.

    If you want a sportier tire with reasonable wear life, the BT-016 are quite good. I'm currently waiting for the Pilot Powers (which are quite good BTW) that came on the S3 to wear down enough to justify a set.

    I have a set of the BT-021 sport touring tires on my FZ and absolutely love them. 5000 miles of sport touring (many with my wife on the back) and they still have good life left, and there's never been an instance where I've not had the grip I've needed for spirited street riding.

    All that out of the way...pretty much any sporty street tire from any of the big names will be fine for street riding. Nowadays it's pretty tough to find a 'bad' tire.

    got almost 5000 miles on my battlax BT 021's

    barely showing ware. doin the twisties most of the time and these are on a 1liter vtwin ( i was told these thing eat tires, )

    would get them again . love the duel compound for when i gots to boogie home on the super slabs!!!!!!


  6. your goin to have to show me that one!

    so here are the pics

    i took a standard duffel bag and added some loops

    it holds my sleeping bag, shelter, and 5 days of clothes with a little extra room and since it is held on with buckles it is an easy on easy off when you get to a stop and want the bag off

    and all this for about 40 dollars and a little stitching

    and since it all worked out so well i might spring for a red bag to match the bike


    here's me


  7. gixxie750,

    Thanks for the invite , goin have to take you up on that twisty thing.

    On the subject of ECU , I would have to say yes( original ) , but i'm not sure, how can you tell,bought it in march of this year, besides new tires BT021's new chain and sprockets ,

    i just ride it, its a blast!!!!.... dont know if i want to start working on bikes again.

    Welcome! I have a 97 tiller to and love it. There are some killer roads down in northern Ky that the Tl loves. If ur ever in cincy are we can show you a 200mile loop that u will never forget! Do u still have the original ECU on ur TL?
  8. Hi guy,

    jimmyc here from pittsburgh pa. you may be wondering why i joined this thread. Well i currently am cheching out and riding roads (mainly twisties)

    in PA, Ohio, WVa and Maryland. A couple weeks ago , made a trip (loop)to Marietta and back . Pa 231- Pa 21- wva 250 -wva 7 -oh 7- oh 26- oh 800

    US 22 and home .350 miles total. WHAT a Ride!!!!! Lookin to do more of the same. Goin to be in Ohio this weekend , goin try oh 800 again.

    I ride a 1997 Suzuki TL1000s , you can say i'm a spirited rider

    Bought my first bike, Honda 1976 CB550F Super Sport (new).

    #2 was a 1979 Honda CBX 1000 6cyl.Super Sport (new)

    Still gots that one!

    So , here i am , lookin to ride, lookin to talk some s#@t, lookin to do some more twisties, lookin for some good overnite trips ( camping ).

    and maybe a trip or two to mid-ohio , nelson ledges , to see some racing.

    and hows about an Iron Butt run sometimes next year, whatcha think?

    ps: special thanks to Casper for the warm welcome.....

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